Giant Gourami tank


New Member
Oct 17, 2004
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Waterlooville, nr Portsmouth
Well i am planning to convert my 8x6 shed into a fish room next summer and my ultimate aim is to have a big tank 6-7 foot long and 2x2 to keep a giant gourami in. It will be filtered by a built in sump/filter and minimially furnished with wood, rocks and floating plants.

What tank mates could I have that would be compatible with the gourami and tank size? I am thinking of:

Giraffe cat
Lima shovelnose
polypterus sp.
Fire eel
knife fish such as BGK
large cichlids (I particularly like oscars but a separate tank better?)

possibly a group of large barbs or dollars
I wouldnt mind keeping just the giant gouramis (I just adore them!) but a variety of other large fish would be nice to make the most of the big tank.

What would be your choices and what have you been successful with?

Thanks for any inspiration.
AAAh!!! I don't believe it!!!!!! You are sooo lucky!!!

How large is the tank you are planning in gallons? I'd go species tank but that's just cause I LOVE, ADORE and WORSHIP these fish!!!!!

You could probably put bala sharks and clown loaches and plecos in with them... Give those fish a suitable home for a change! I thnk a black shark would also be nice but not with those other fish I listed. The fish you listed would also work and I think the oscar would be possible but I'd advise against it...

Be sure to post pictures when you get those fish!!!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub:
Remember that giant gouramis can have vicious tempers so any fish that you have as tankmates must either be fast enough to get out of the way or able to defend themselves either by hiding or being armour plated, what you want to avoid is housing other aggressive fish in the same tank or you could have a constant battle ground on your hands.

Of your list of fish the only ones i would say are bad ideas are the Cichlids because of possible aggression issues and the giraffe cat as these grow to around 3 feet and need a minimum of a 10x3x3' tank when adult.
CFC said:
the giraffe cat as these grow to around 3 feet and need a minimum of a 10x3x3' tank when adult.
Yes I wondered about the giraffe cat and have had some really mixed info on them, Aquaria Central says they *only* grow to 24" and 100g minimum, so thanks for clearing that up. I hear there are sometimes dwarf giraffe cats avaliable but would these be too small? I to thought that cichlids would be best in their own tank, but again have read conflicting information! Glad my other suggestions are ok, but are they best brought up together or introduced later?

Thanks for your advice CFC :thumbs:

How large is the tank you are planning in gallons?
This will be a minimum of 150 (UK) gallons. Thought about a plec (the sailfins are beautiful) but I am hoping this tank to be a diy plywood/glass and have heard that the plecs can eat and damage the plywood?!

I'd go species tank but that's just cause I LOVE, ADORE and WORSHIP these fish!!!!!

Know how you feel, I just fell in love with them when I met Betty at my LFS, she is full grown, nosy and gorgeous.
:p I'm saving up for a 500 gallon (yeah - in like 10 years) to house a pair and try to breed them :D
Also remember that if it is in a shed you will loose heat from the tank much quicker than if it was in a proper building. You will probably have to double up on the heating to get an even spread across the tank.

May be a bit too small for the gouramis eventually, they can grow to over 2', so just watch that a bit, and know that you may need a larger tank eventually... However, in my experience, they rarely get over 18", so they should be fine.
Yes the general info seems to be 6x2x2 minimum, so of course keeping an eye if they outgrow it. Am looking at plans to see if I could make it a bit bigger. My shed is insulated and heated, kept at similar temperature to my house(!) its my hideaway from the family! currently keep other pets in it but they will be moving to my other shed.

Am I right in thinking large schooling-type fish should be an ok tank-mates? Im thinking maybe Distichodus, Leporinus, large barbs etc.

On filtration, im thinking of making a built in filter/sump, that way everything is kept out of the main tank away from the fish. Im sure bigger is better (as with most things :p ) but what would be your recommended size and water turnover for this size of tank with large messy fish. What are your experiences of what is best.

Larger Distichodus species preffer to be kept alone and do not tolerate others of their own kind well unless in very large groups, the same goes for Leporinus which can be very territorial and aggressive. Large barbs like Tinfoil barbs could work well but be aware that these fish have enormous appetites and will outcompete most if not all fish for food so you will need to feed extra to compensate which will mean extra water changes and larger volume filters.
The turn over of water needed depends on the volume of the filter, for a 180g tank (6x2x2') i would suggest a minimum of a 30g sump with a turn over of at least 3 times per hour.
We have a half size giant gouramai at work at the moment and he was brought in as he beat up the guys oscars!!

I think you should try to make the tank a bit wider, even if it's just by a few inches it would enable you to deal with the fish if it does grow a tad longer.
Watch out for the Leporinus- as they grow, they get more and more aggressive, and are notorious fin-nippers.

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