Giant Danios


Fish Crazy
May 31, 2005
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Chattanooga, Tennessee (USA)
I saw some Giant Danios at Petco while I was buying fish stuff yesterday. I watched them for awhile. Are they as darty and busy as the regular danios? They didn't appear so, but they were not in a large tank.

Who here keeps them and what do you think of them? I'd like some personal comments such as interactions with other fish, what level they swim at in your tank, etc. What tank mates do you keep with them?

Like all danios they are a schooling fish and need to be in a group of 5 at least.
They max out at 15.2cm (6"), so a minimum of 48" long tank is needed.

They are just as active as ZDs' and like them inhabit the top level of the tank.
they will forage for food on the bottom, but only after all floating food has been devoured.
for more info see my website

if you havn't a suitable tank for them, consider the bengal danio. They are very similar in markings but don't get as big, a 30" long tank will suffice for them.
Ive got 6.Transferred them from my 3ft to my 4ft a while back,They wer complete maniacs in the smaller tank but have become semi-civilised in the larger tank.Probably appreciate the extra room
Like Wolf said,mine stay mostly at the top but I have noticed that theyoften swim at otherlevels now which I never saw them doing in the smaller tank
They are a great treat to watch and are very hardy IMO
I never saw them bullying any other fish but did see them chasing the penguin tetra who would then turn around and chase them( tho my penguin tetra may be the false variety which are more aggressive)
They are in the 4ft with moonlight gourami/opaline gourami/a rainbow shark/2 bristlenose plecs/2 gold rams and 6 cherry barb.There were also 3 full size congo tetra until recently but I gave them to a mate
Having said all that I am no expert and although I have had no problems so far someone may be along to tell me I shouldnt keep fish A with fish B etc etc :whistle:
Thanks for the giant danio input. Right now, my black neons are upper level dwellers and zippy enough for everyone (didn't expect that) and I am not into real zippy fish. But the giants and bengals are lovely to look at. In the right setting I bet they'd make lovely additions.


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