Giant Danio


May 20, 2006
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Has anyone had any experience with these?

Are they ok to keep with neon tetras?

Please see sig for what fish a keep, would adding 6 of the giant danios be ok? I want to get 6 more neon tetras.

I have read that the giant danio can be agressive?

Would they eat fry?
giant danios should be fine with your fish.
They are an active schooling fish that can get bored easily just like any other danio or barbs, hence the need to keep a group of them.
They will eat fry.

I'm a bit concerned about the number of swordtails you have in the tank. If they are young then it isn't a problem. However if they are mature fish, or you were planning on keeping them all as adults, I would suggest getting another tank to house some of them.
giant danios should be fine with your fish.
They are an active schooling fish that can get bored easily just like any other danio or barbs, hence the need to keep a group of them.
They will eat fry.

I'm a bit concerned about the number of swordtails you have in the tank. If they are young then it isn't a problem. However if they are mature fish, or you were planning on keeping them all as adults, I would suggest getting another tank to house some of them.

Thanks Colin

Most of the swords are young but I rehomed about 15 last Monday and hopefully some more soon. I was hoping that the Giant danios would help keep the population down.
LOL, ok no worries.

The giant danios should help keep the swordtails in check. Mind you the other danios and tetras should as well.
Ya dont worry with mixng them with tetras, I have them with neons and they seem to leave eachother alone. I'm going to move them into a fish cycle if I can get a 100 gal this year seeing as my friend has them and there 6 inchs.
I just bought 2 giant danios, didn't want to get too many as I saw some mature fish and they were quite big. What is the ideal no of giant danios to keep?
danios are a schooling fish and the minimum number is 4 but preferably 10 or more
oh damn. I guess I should go and get another 2 then... :p Looking at my signature Colin, considering all the fish are to go into the 4ft when quarantine is over, do you think I could put another 2 in there? i don't want to overstock :S
if you get rid fo the pleco you could. Any idea which species of pleco it is. Some only get to a foot long, others can hit 18inches or more. The danios really do need to be kept in groups so if you don't want to get rid of the pleco then get rid of the danios.
You also need more neon tetras because they are a schooling fish as well. You can add more neons without removing any of the other fish.
The pleco is a common pleco and is staying, he is my favourite fish! :( But I really like my danios.... I have decided against new tetras, I may rehome mine but they do seem quite happy following the guppies around so not sure yet.
There were 2 giant danios is a tank in the fish farm with lots of other fish, and they seemed to get along fine. How would I know whether they were unhappy and needed more friends? The 2 I have seem to be active and playing together.
You could get a couple more danios but you will have to monitor the water quality and do regular water changes and gravel cleans because of the pleco. Plecos are messy fish that produce a lot of waste.

If the danios are stressed then they will try to swim around with the other fish. They might start to nip each other or the other fish.
Ah OK. I kow my pleco is meesy, he often does poos that are longer than himself! :p I do a 25% change with gravel vac each week so I guess I should be OK with another 2 giant danios then? It does look like there is a good chance I will end up keeping only 1 dwarf gourami in the set up too as mine are all male and likely to fight, in which case I will rehome 2 of them.
I can't wait to get some more ginat danios already! The 2 I have are so active and playful, they really put a smile on my face. What a lovely fish they are, can't believe I hadn't considered them before.

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