Giant Betta's.


Fish Fanatic
Jan 24, 2006
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Ok so I want to want to know what will happen if I do this:
Giant HM x Super Red CT

I want to know if I will get Giant Super Red CT's on F1 or if I will get them on F2.
Mesa thinkgs Synirr the MAD SCIENTIST! will know.

Thanks in advance.
If my memory serves me correctly, your F1 should be half-giants. Breed two of those and you will get:
25% smalls (i.e. regular betta size), 50% half-giants, 25% GIANTS. I have no idea about the tail types though, but others here should be able to fill in the gaps.

You will get some combtails, no real crowns until at least f2, it takes awhile to come out in full force against a standard fin. And, it takes awhile of breeding those to get the thick rays usually. You hvae a chance of some HM, so eventually, you could have the chance of giant, halfsuns, if you are determined and lucky!

What color is the giant?
Since the giant is multi I'd say good luck ever getting clean super reds again... once other colours are bred in it's tough to get them all out.
As mentioned, the F1 should be half giants, mostly combtail and probably all multis. You'll get about 25% normal finnage, 50% combtail, and 25% CT in the F2.

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