Giant Bettas


Fish Gatherer
Aug 23, 2005
Reaction score
St Albans, UK
what size tank should giant bettas be kept in?
my LFS said yesterday they have some in another one of their stores (have yet to see if they're genuine)
and for the same price as their normal VT bettas

but my question is, what special care do these guys need?
i don't have big tanks. (see my profile, tanks always getting re-shuffled with stock though, and the corys & neons are being rehomed in the next few weeks)
Most "giants" really aren't that much larger, say 3-3.5 inches as opposed to the average of about 2.5". I think a 2.5 gallon would be fine :)
thats ok then, none of my tanks are under 3.5 gallons, and a 5 gallon and 7 gallon will be going spare very soon.
more fooshie shopping!!!

But if it is a true giant, they can get up to 7 inches.
For a betta that size, I'd keep a 10 gallon handy for one. Half Giants get to a maximum of 5 inches. Which I happen to have a half giant. She is bigger than all my bettas, and about 3.75 inches right now.
what size tank should giant bettas be kept in?
my LFS said yesterday they have some in another one of their stores (have yet to see if they're genuine)
and for the same price as their normal VT bettas

but my question is, what special care do these guys need?
i don't have big tanks. (see my profile, tanks always getting re-shuffled with stock though, and the corys & neons are being rehomed in the next few weeks)
Why can't I get nice betta's in Manchester, the majority of males are VT's and I am exceptionally lucky to get crown or SD females, no plakats or anything short tailed like I like :crazy:

So far all the really nice boys I have I've had to get by post, nothing local. :sad:
Consider yourself lucky to ever see a 7" giant in your lifetime, much less be in the position to purchase one... that's all I'm saying.

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