Giant Airbubble/ Spiders Web/ Eggs/? Plz Help


Fish Fanatic
Apr 27, 2008
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ello all

iv got 2 Qs

on the back on 1 of my rocks is what looks like a giant air bubble or web of sum sort or is it eggs????

heres the pic.....


the other is iv got crabs and snails for my clean up crew but the last 2weeks iv found 2lots of jus claws do thay shed them? is this normal? or are the fish attacking them? iv only got 3 green chromis and 3 damsels so im notsure. if u look at the pic at the bottom u can see the legs on the top of the other rock any help would b great

cheers matt
Hi Mattrock

Firstly i think you'll find this is in the wrong section ask a mod to move it this to the general chit chat area,you may get more replys,

as for the first question I've no idea what that is, a more experienced member should be able to help you.
A better/up close picture would help to actively identify.but it does look quite "soft" celled is it a coral of some sort?

As for your question about about the crab claws/legs,
all hermit crabs and other crabs molt as far as im aware but you should be careful that if inadequate shells are not available hermit crabs will fight and "tear" each other apart or your snails (trust me been there done that).
Secondly what damsels do you have because there are certain breeds that can be highly Territorial.

if you don't know them again list some photographs and we will help, what size is your tank?

And finally Any chance you could improve your grammar (i cant spell before anybody comments) but its extremely difficult to read slang and short hand without being irritated, ITS NOT MENT TO BE A DIG but spent 5 minutes improving you grammar to "proper" English and i think you will find member will be more inclined to answer.

Best regards
Phoenix fish
ello m8

i took it out it was like a thick jelly about the size of a tennis ball nothing inside but small air bubble tiny1s

the damsels are yellow bottom purlpe top if that makes sence

I'd be happy to move it ;)

The first is likely a sponge or tunicate of some sort. Most likely harmless.

And yes, hermits (or any crabs/shrimp) tend to molt when changing aquariums. Something about the different iodine concentration signals the molting process. Normal and expected.

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