ghost shrip myst. snails & fry


Jan 31, 2005
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at my desk in iowa
my question is basicly the topic i got some g.s. and m.s can i put them with my betta fry for a cleanup crew if not ive always got other tanks ;)
I would say definately a go if the betta were an adult but I don't know about fry....I suppose the shrimp wouldn't bother them?

I would never use a snail to clean up anything; they have such a massive fecal output and produce so much bacteria that they'd probably make your fry ill. From what I've gathered, fry are very prone to bacterial infections, so I think it would be a bad idea to try the snail in with them. One of my adult bettas kept on getting fin rot, and I firmly believe it was from the snail he was in with; darn thing produced a ton of waste. His fin troubles left when the snail did.

As for the shrimp, I'm not sure. Are they carnivorous? If so, I wouldn't suggest it as they might munch on the betta babies.
I use two mystery snails in my fry tank and that works out well for me. Their waste is easier to siphon out than the waste of my fry.
Ghost Shrimp are nasty little buggers, and should NEVER be put with fry. Mine tried to catch and eat my Guppy fry, which were fairly big at the time.

Snails are fine, though. I use snails in my Betta fry tanks.
I'd say snails are fine, but no to the ghost shrimp for reasons already mentioned.
Snails can be beneficial to very small fry, because they digest uneaten food and convert it into a form which can be eaten by infurosia, which are in turn eaten by very young fry :thumbs:

Snails do produce a lot of waste, but uneaten food is just as bad, so I don't see why snails would cause a problem

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