Im going to be getting ghost shrimp, how do I take care of them? What do they eat? Do I just drop in food or?? I'm new to shrimp keeping, so, yeah... Any help would be appreciated!
They do not need much food. Don't feed them specifically if you have other fish in the tank. If it's a shrimp only tank then you can feed them shrimp food. You only need to feed 3-4 times a week in small amounts. I buy Hikari crab bites and Fluval shrimp pellets plus give some organic blanched zucchini once per week in very small amounts. They need very good water conditions, no ammonia, no nitrite and low nitrates. Temperature is not important unless it's too warm, they don't like it if the temp is higher than 80F. They also need hiding places; mosses, stacked rock caves, coconut shell, etc.