Ghost Shrimp


Fish Fanatic
Mar 5, 2011
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Hey guys! I was wondering if you can keep ghost shrimp in a 1 gallon tank? It's very small, and I know you can't really keep anything in there, but if you can, how many ghost/red crystal shrimp can fit in there. If you can't in the 1 gallon, can you in a 2.5? Thank you!
Hey guys! I was wondering if you can keep ghost shrimp in a 1 gallon tank? It's very small, and I know you can't really keep anything in there, but if you can, how many ghost/red crystal shrimp can fit in there. If you can't in the 1 gallon, can you in a 2.5? Thank you!

You can't fit any in the 1 gallon. In the 2.5, you could probably manage 1 or 2.
Hey guys! I was wondering if you can keep ghost shrimp in a 1 gallon tank? It's very small, and I know you can't really keep anything in there, but if you can, how many ghost/red crystal shrimp can fit in there. If you can't in the 1 gallon, can you in a 2.5? Thank you!

I have about 80 Cherry shrimp in a 5 gallon. The standard rules of size don't apply. Ghost shrimp get a bit big so I don't think I would personally put them in a nano tank but dwarf shrimp are just fine. All 4 of my shrimp tanks have drift wood, hornwort and lots of java moss. As long as you give them lots of places to sit at different heights, you can keep many together. Don't over feed though. They are not like fish and hardly require any food. You can feed them small amounts of food and they will be fine. I feed mine everyday but in very tiny amounts. If you are worried about over feeding, just feed them 3 days a week. You can keep 20 or 30 safely in your 2.5 gallon as long as you do weekly water changes of 50%. Shrimp need very clean water. Ok, sorry, I guess I gave more info then you were asking, lol..I love shrimp.

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