Ghost Shrimp


Fish Fanatic
Dec 30, 2006
Reaction score
Augusta, Georgia
Recently got our first ghost shrimp. He's way more entertaining than the fish! How do you figure in ghost shrimp as far as stocking? They are so fragile looking, I would think their bioload would have to be less than even a small fish of like size (white clouds, etc.). Does the 1 inch rule apply here, or can you fudge some on the stocking level? Thanks.
How big is your tank, what other fish do you have, and how many more are you thinking of adding?

I don't think 3 or 4 would increase the bio-load significantly, but I don't think I would discount them when you're talking about stocking.
Moving from a 1.5 gal. "tank" containing 1 rosy red minnow and 1 ghost shrimp, I plan to stock a new 20 gal. with more ghost shrimp, albino cories and white cloud minnows.

As far as ghost shrimp, I was thinking maybe a total of 4, both for fun and for cleaning up the tank.

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