Ghost Shrimp Turning White


New Member
Jun 8, 2015
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I have a 10 gallon tank with 3 ghost shrimp, 3 zebra danios, 3 black neon Tetras,a Dalmatian lyre tail Molly a male betta and 2 mystery snails. One of my shrimps is turning white but still moving so I can't tell if it's dying or just molting. Any help would be appreciated.
Can you take a picture of this amano shrimp?

I have an inkling it may be the actual moult of the shrimp you're seeing.

These moults are very lifelike since the details as these are truly amazing, right down to antennas and legs and easy to mistake for a dead shrimp since does not move or may move a little due to water flow.

Btw you may have issues with your tank stocking :/

Bettas are generally best kept singly in its own tank.

The Danios and Molly are too big and active for a 10 gallon tank am sorry to say.

And neons do best in groups, at very least 6 and I doubt they will be happy in a 10 gal either :/

Better you learn of this now rather than later to be honest.
I'm not able to get a pic of the shrimp but all my other fish seem to be doing just fine and my betta seems to be happy with the other fish.
Ok, without a pic, its kinda hard for anyone to determine if its actually the shrimp thats turning white or if its a moult from a shrimp :/
But my advice about these fish being in a 10 gal, well, they'll survive probably but certainly not thrive.
I still maintain, the neons, molly and danios should not be in a 10 gal / 40 litre tank, but the betta and the shrimps should be ok if the betta tolerates the shrimps, but amanos are pretty big and should be quick enough to get away from the Betta should it need to, some plants or places to hide for these shrimps may be an idea.
It is possible you may have issues later when comes to aggression due to lack of space for them all

Keep a close eye on them.
A bit more information on your stocking -
Betta Splenden caresheet
Neon Tetra
A lyretail molly is basically a hybrid of the Sailfin Molly, so I have included both the Short Finned and the Sailfin Mollies as both have similar size tanks and set up requirements.
Short Finned Molly
Sailfin Molly
And lastly, Zebra Danio
Quite a lot of information, but research is key when it comes to choosing the right stocking that suits your tank size and set up.
Hope that helps
Anytime a shrimp is turning white, it is pretty much the beginning of the end. There are quite a few causes of a shrimp going white (viral, bacterial) but the outcome is still the same, the death of the shrimp in question.
Because the only sure fire way of knowing which disease has caused the whitening and it is the symptom of a few shrimp diseases there are a few ideas on how it is transmitted from shrimp to shrimp.
One is that all shrimp carry the disease but its stress (heat, water paramaters, tank mates) that allows the disease to then take hold. Other ideas state that the males carry the disease and when mating with females transmit it, and the shrimplets are infected. Another is that the disease is passed on in the droppings of the infected shrimp and when other shrimp eat these droppings they are in turn infected. Or that the shrimp are infected by eating the bodies of infected dead shrimp they come across in the tank.
There is no cure, your best bet is to isolate the infected shrimp and keep it and any nets and plants etc used to maintain its tank away from other shrimp and if it dies in the tank with your  other shrimp do not let the unaffected shrimp eat the dead one.
This is a wild caught macrobachium I caught locally during a sevre heat wave

and a smaller one

This is what a healthy macrobachium should look like, also wild caught

As far as I know the illness should not affect fish, but they and snails may also be carriers, there is just to many unknowns and not much research into shrimp diseases.
Some more info that might help you

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