Ghost Shrimp...infected?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 27, 2008
Reaction score
Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA
Hello, I am wondering if the Ghost Shrimp I have are infected with whitespot. I noticed white spots on them(more on 1 than the other) when I took them out of quarantine to put into my tank. Now I'm wondering if this is normal for these shrimp, or if they are infected. I took a lot of pictures, so I hope you guys can tell.


Ghost shrimp can't get whitespot/ich, only fish. The parasite can't attach to a shrimp's shell. Mine have the same spots, as do the ones from all the LFS that carry them here. I think they're fine, but I'll defer to somebody more experienced.
as Corleone said shrimp don't get whitespot. the parasite is unable to attach itself to the shrimps shell. The spots are most likely normal colouration for those shrimp.
I've seen a few shrimp like these, and I believe it is a parasite that tries to get fish to eat the shrimp to continue its life cycle. This is based on the fact that similar parasites have been found in other shrimp that do the same thing.

It doesn't seem to harm them, so no worries, just don't feed them to fish or anything else.

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