Ghost Shrimp In The Uk?


Fish Connoisseur
Jul 23, 2006
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Does anyone from the UK here have ghost shrimp? Because i really want some for two small tanks, but i have no idea where to get them. All i can seem to find are brackish or marine 'ghost shrimp' being sold as live food :/ . If anyone knows where i can get them(a website or shop that will post them) than that would be great :good: . Thanks :) .
Does anyone from the UK here have ghost shrimp? Because i really want some for two small tanks, but i have no idea where to get them. All i can seem to find are brackish or marine 'ghost shrimp' being sold as live food :/ . If anyone knows where i can get them(a website or shop that will post them) than that would be great :good: . Thanks :) .

Ive got a few, but im in Toronto Canada, one of my friends has a few, he lives somewhere north of or in london cant quite remember, ill be sure to ask.
Be careful with ghost shrimp. A lot of shops nowadays (especially pet shops that just sell fish) are mislabelling Long armed Shrimp as Ghost Shrimp. When these are small they are very similar but the Long armed version grows quite large and from about 2" onwards any fish in your tank will probably be eaten. I have heard of them taking down tiger barbs which is very impressive. Anyway just thought I would give warning, a good fish specialist shop should be ok.
Yeah, i noticed that, there has suddenly been a explosion of the number of shops stocking long arm shrimp. Its only really a problem though when pets@home get some in :X . Though i would love to have a tank specifically for long arm shrimp, I'm not able to. Ghost shrimp are an option though, because i want lots of different shrimp in my 5.5 pfk nano planted, and my little brother has another small tank that we're going to dedicate to inverts.
e-bay sometimes has shrimp for sale, if not Ghost then almost definately some cherry which would probably be just as suitable.
wholsale tropicals bethnal green or wildwoods enfeid have them

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