Ghost Shrimp;compatable?

severum boy

Fish Herder
May 25, 2006
Reaction score
Wells, Somerset
Hi all,
I was thinking of getting some ghost shrimp (clawed species) for my 5gal. I have had a quick search, but still have some questions.
How are they with snails?
How are they also with Cherry barbs?
How easy are they to breed, ie, will they do it in just any old tank?
I was thinking about getting 5 as a small group.
Thanks everyone for anything that helps.
They're okay with snails and cherry barbs.

The young hatch into a larval form, which are usually eaten by parents/fish. So, not too easy.
they do not easily breed (from my experience), ive got a killy fish in my tank who is only a few inches long and he managed to eat all but one ghosty, so you have to be careful about what fish are in with them. i had them in a five gal hex tank with a betta and the betta seemed to be scared of them, he never touched them. it all depends on the fish i suppose. ive never had them breed, at least i dont think so. there is one VERY tiny ghosty in the tank with the killy right now and hes still alive. and i dont remember ever having one that small. so im thinking that possibly that one survived hatching. ive never tried raising them in a tank all by themselves though, i would think that they would breed much easier in a tank by themselves.

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