Ghost Shrimp Back From The Dead !


Sep 5, 2005
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Southampton UK
Well I was giving my tank a good deep clean,and then a water change.Filled it back up and sat back to admire my work.Blow me down ,there was a Shrimp at the back of the tank.

Well we did put Two Ghost Shrimps in when the tank was set up.One met an untimely end when i did my first water change ,It I think sucked up into the Syphon.Anyway I found it later on my Kitchen Floor all dried up :*)
A week or so later my Angel was picking at something in the tank,I had a look and it was the skin of the other Shrimp.I know they shred their skins,but I never saw him again,untill today.Six weeks later. :cool:

Has this happened to anyone else.
I have one Yamato shrimp in my 20 gallon that I see about once a month. They're good at hising, especially when they shed as they need some time to rebuild their shell. 6 weeks is long though, so it might of just been hiding from you :)
I go through the same thing. My wife and I play a little game to see how many of the 6 shrimp in the tank we can find. I actually saw all 6 yesterday afternoon. It had been a while since I saw them all at once so i was a little worried that I had lost some. Speaking of molting their shell. Yesterday morning I found a perfect molted shell complete with legs and feelers (or antenea or what ever their called) when I first saw it I though I had lost a one because the shell was so perfect. I have never seen one with all everything attached. Usually, their in several pieces.
I wasent sure if he had died ,The skin was very sticky,not sure how long it had been in the water.Any way now I know he or she is there I might get another one,to keep him companie.(If they can find each other) :lol:

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