Ghost Shrimp Baby


Oct 18, 2002
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Granbury, Texas, USA
I just found a swwet little baby ghost shrimp in the tank :wub: He's still got an egg sac, and the cutest little eyes :wub: I 'thought' it looked like my adult was holding eggs, but I doubted my own eyes, we only briefly had other shrimps with her, so I thought I might be overly imaginative! I'm so glad that we've just got baby mollies in the tank and 2 cories. Anyone else have experience with the little ones?
I know how it feels . . . last week I found some sweet little baby ghost shrimp in my java moss. At the time of the finding I counted 7 but haven't had the time to sit and try to find more.

I do have two more very pregnant females so I'm hoping to get even more babies. I'm so glad they were finally able to spawn successfully, as I've wanted them to breed for some months now.

I'm not sure if it had anything to do with it, but it wasn't until after I added a large clump of healthy Java Moss that the shrimp I had finally spawned.


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