Ghost Shrimp Babies


New Member
Jan 19, 2008
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Can someone tell me what to feed the ghost shrimp babies? I noticed they were born like 30 minutes ago and 3 are clinging to the tank and 1 is floating around :hyper: . Any help will be appreciated.
they feed on plankton. If you have lots of plants in the tank then they will survive on whatever is living in and around the plants. You won't get heaps surviving but you usually get some.
thanks but I just put some java moss in like 15 minutes ago. Will that help? Right now they are in a smaller tank and my main tank is the one with the plants.
java moss will help. If there aren't many plants then use fry foods, either liquid or dry powder fry foods and feed them a couple of times a day. Make sure they have a well established filter to prevent ammonia levels from going up. And do regular partial water changes.
any recomendations? sorry for all the questions but its the first time my ghost shrimp has had babies.
Just use whatever you can get a hold of. Sera Micron is a dry powder food. Wardleys Liquid Fry is a liquid food. Wardleys do a Liquid Fry for livebeaerers & egglayers. It doesn't matter which one you use. You add a bit of powder or liquid food to a phial of tank water, shake it up and then pour the liquid into the tank. Do that a couple of times a day and it should be fine.

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