Ghost knives are peacefull nocturnal fish that can grow to about 20 inches so will require a minimum of a 75 gallon tank when full grown, although they grow quite slowly so tanks can be upgraded as they grow.
Like other knife fishes they are sensative to water quallity so should only be added to a mature cycled tank, efforts should be taken to keep the nitrates below 50ppm at all times.
They have a suprisingly large mouth and should only be kept with other large peacefull fish as fish under 4 inches may eventually be eaten, while small they can be fed on live and frozen foods like bloodworm with larger foods like pieces of fish, shrimp and mussel being offered once the BGK is over 6 inches.
As they are nocturnal fish you should supply a cave or tube that is large enough for the fish to hide in during the day and investing in a "moonlight" effect tube will help with evening viewing.
BGK have a small electrical organ which is used to locate food and guide the fish around in the dark, for this reason they should not be kept together or with other electrical fish like elephant nose unless the tank is very large so the fishes electrical fields do not interfear with each other, if keeping more than one you will need 100 gallons per fish.