Ghost Knife With Oscars?


Fish Crazy
Aug 2, 2005
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I want to get a ghost knife but im not sure it will be compatible with my 2 Oscars in my 80 gallon tank. My oscars are about 4inches and the ghost knife im getting is about 2 in. Will my oscars harass the ghost knife?
It *should* be ok providing you have plenty of hiding places. Remember Ghost Knifes can grow to 18" quite easily so I hope your tank is sufficiently wide.

Ben :)
Yeah bungi is right. Make sure there are plenty of hiding spots for that Ghost knife though. It may not be as exciting to have the Ghost Knife because he would hide all the time, but be aware that the oscars have a much faster growth rate then Ghost knifes. If you dont have a good cave where the Ghost knife can get away from the oscars, your ghost knife could be eaten. I think you may want to go witha bigger Ghost knife
I have four caves and 3 of those clear tubes i bought just for the ghost knife to hide in. After my ghost knife gets bigger do you think i can take away some of those hiding places?
Yes deffinately, but as Space Monkey has said it will grow slower than the oscars. As long as the hiding places like the tubes are places the oscars simply cant get to it should be ok.

I want to get a ghost knife but im not sure it will be compatible with my 2 Oscars in my 80 gallon tank. My oscars are about 4inches and the ghost knife im getting is about 2 in. Will my oscars harass the ghost knife?

I have three Oscars (1 Tiger and 2 Albinos) all about 7 to 8 inches in length and a Green Texas Cichlid almost the same size in a 75 gallon tank along with my black ghost knife. See my avatar for the picture of the black ghost knife with a shot of the Texas Cichlid swimming above it. I bought a cheap hamster cage tube from a LPS and the knife could not be happier in there. The Oscars do not bother him one bit. The hamster tube gives him a safe haven just in case and it's see-thru so you can view him. They have all been housed together for over 1.5 years with no problems. I do have to feed the knife seperately which requires some extra TLC in comparison to the rest of the tankmates. He likes frozen bloodworm cubes that I pinch between an extra long set of hot dog tongs. The knife will eat right off them or I also insert them into the hamster tube he uses for a hiding place and they are available only for him. Hope this helps

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