ghost glass catfish


A Shrine To Madness
May 28, 2005
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Fargo, ND
one of my ghost glass catfish have a white film all over it's body, it's not whitespot, cause very, very gentley, i found the softest toothbrush and i was able to wipe some off. he acts normal, what should i do?
add stress coat. You have damaged your fishes slime coating. This will inhibit it's immune system preventing the fish from recovering from whatever disease it is that it has. Sorry I can't help with the white film.
well, i did that two weeks ago, he grew back the stress coat, he's actin as normal as usual.
oh, i didn't know that stress coat was a med till i saw it in my drs foster smith magazine. but whatever it is, it's goin away, little by little, the fish is now lookin happier.
wait, you waited two weeks while your fish was covered in white gunk before you asked if something might be wrong? :crazy:

and don't scrape your fish with toothbrushes. NO toothbrush is "gentle" enough to use on your fish.

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