Ghost Glass Catfish


A Shrine To Madness
May 28, 2005
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Fargo, ND
well, about two days ago, i purchased some ghost glass cat fish, along with some other fish. now, when i got the water tempature the same in the bag as it was in the tank, i put em in, along with the other tank. now, i have 3 serpae tetras, 3 tiger barbs, a golden veil angel fish, a koi angel fish and a female betta (baby) along with the ghost glass catfish. now, whenever a tiger barb/ serpae tetras went after one of the other fish, one of the ghost glass catfish would pop up right in front of it, and the fish would slowly swim away. it's really neat, and it keeps my tank in order.
i have heard other people that have the same experience as that...and if i recall, a couple of them were with glass cats! i wonder if there's a reason?
Yes, that is very interesting behaviour. I think itmaybe because they like living in groups, and no dought, safety in numbers. If they allowed there mates to dwindle out, they would more than likely be eaten. Just an idea! :p

All mine dio is cruise in the current, eat, and more cruising...they disapeer in the mornin, and no one can be found, then at night, all 7 are accounted for....strange creatures..... :p
well, i like that behavior, my tiger barbs and serpaes hardly even dart anymore.

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