Ghost Glass Catfish & Twig Catfish


Fish Fanatic
Jul 16, 2008
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West of Glasgow
i'd like to know if anyone has every had these two catfish. If so could you tell me about them? Are they easy to care for? do they do well in an community tank?
Ghost or glass catfish are schooling fish that do well in most tanks. Keep the temp between 22-30C and the PH between 6.8-7.6. They will tolerate parameters outside this. GH around 100-300ppm.
Twig catfish are fine in most tanks as well and can be kept in the same conditions as the glass catfish. They will tolerate a lower PH & GH than the glass cats, down to about PH6.0 & GH 20ppm.

Glass cats prefer live or frozen foods but will often accept dry foods given time.

Twigs will eat algae and plant matter (including pumpkin, zucchini, etc), algae wafers and most fish foods that fall to the bottom. However, it is not recommended to put excess food in so it sinks to the bottom otherwise water quality issues can arise. They will eat bits of meat food (prawn & fish) too but don't give them too much too often as it can cause problems in the long run.

Male twigs get bristles on the side of their nose, females don't. If well cared for they will lay a batch of eggs on the glass or piece of wood and the male guards them until they hatch. They fry will eat rotting plant matter.

Both do well in community tanks as long as no one picks on them. Small peaceful barbs should be ok but avoid bigger barbs and fin nippers.
wow! thanks Colin :good:

the biggest fish that will be in my tank will be the Twig Catfish at 18cm, then the golden dwarf algae eater at 10cm.
the rest are between 4cm to 8cm.
will 5 ghost glass catfish be ok?
5 glass catfish should be fine if the tank has room for them :)
make sure the filters are established before you put any catfish in the tank otherwise the ammonia & nitrite levels might kill them. And try to keep the nitrates as low as possible
got it :D
i think they will be put in last, just in case, but i'm n ot getting fish untill next year for my b/day ( if i live that long :lol: )
so knowing me, i'll chance my mind, but incase i do get them i want to know inadvance

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