Ghetto fabulous lights!


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Retired Moderator ⚒️
Aug 10, 2005
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Miami, FL
Hello everyone,

Thought I'd post this in planted tanks. I have a 15h-gallon (US) with live plants. I've selected mostly plants that like low light, java ferns and such. It has the light fixture it came with, which has a 15W bulb, so great, 1 watt per gallon, which is not so hot. I also get some daylight and some supplementary lighting from the grow lights I'm using on my potted plants. The plants are doing well, so far, but I thought I'd help them out a bit. :)

I had a spare grow light that was in my office and not being used. It's a 20 watt bulb, so guess what I did, I put it on top of my glass hood and low and behold, it's quite a bit brighter in there! Looks really stupid, I mean really stupid, but it cost me nothing. Seeing that it's an old bulb, though, I'll probably buy a new better bulb, designed for plant growth.

In addition, I can kind of simulate twilight and morning conditions by turning the lights on at different times. I thought it was neato, but it's probably just really lame. :rolleyes:
Not a bad idea really, like u said it cost you nothing. You will probably have to upgrade soon if u wanted to. I would keep a close lookout for algae now with the new light it could produce a bloom.
Not a bad idea really, like u said it cost you nothing. You will probably have to upgrade soon if u wanted to. I would keep a close lookout for algae now with the new light it could produce a bloom.
qwikimpss said:
Not a bad idea really, like u said it cost you nothing. You will probably have to upgrade soon if u wanted to. I would keep a close lookout for algae now with the new light it could produce a bloom.

Yeah, I'm keeping a watch for it. I have some, but it's not too bad. It's actually improved quite a bit since I got the plants. I had a real bad problem before, would have to scrub almost every week to keep the tank where it was still pretty. It was a royal pain in the...

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