The tank has been set up for about 10 weeks and the fish itroduced gradually over a six week period after the tank had been allowed to settle for two weeks with the Danios
Ammonia, Nitrate, and nitrite, all read zero. I found out today that my lfs also run with no Nitrate and have a Ph of 7.5 He seems to be of the same opinion as you about the water but was struggling to come up with an answer. He has suggested trying to dilute with RO water to see if it helps.
I have purchased fish from various areas and the deaths are not just from one supplier
I Have 1 Krib, 11 Neon Tetra no deaths, Have 3 Clown Loach (most recent) no deaths,
2 corrydoras no deaths,
Had 10 Danios lost 2, Had 8 Guppies lost 4, Had 2 gold Gourami lost 1, Lost 2 Pearl Gourami, Lost 3 Dwarf Gourami, 2 Plec lost 1,
I did suffer a bout of fin rot which i treated and some of the fish affected got better. I believe this was the reason for losing a couple of them but there are no outward signs for the others and some deaths have been between a few days and four weeks