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Gh And Kh?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 27, 2007
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Hi. My German Blue Rams bred after having them for only 5 days, and I have read that I need low Gh and Kh readings in order for the eggs to hatch. I just tested my Kh, and it took 3 drops to change the color of the water, which is about 50 ppm. I tested the Gh twice, because both times, it came up extremely high...I don't think it actually ever changed from orange to green. It started out yellow and stayed yellow, even after 11+ drops. This means it's over 200 ppm supposedly. Is this a common water parameter--high Gh and low Kh? Should I lower my Gh and how so? I've heard a water softener pillow will work--does it? The tank is a 58 gallon with 8 Flame Tetras, 7 cories, 4 Blue Rams, 3 Pearl Gouramis, 3 Cherry Barbs, a pleco, 3 male Guppies, 2 baby guppies, and 3 female Bettas. I have the ram eggs in a 10 gallon...should I just wait until the pair lays their eggs in the community tank again and take them out and put them in the 10 gallon (the eggs) and try to lower the Gh in there? Should I just give up on ever hatching these eggs? (My first batch is due to hatch tomorrow, but since my Gh is so high, I doubt they will). Any input would be appreciated. Also, my nitrates/nitrites are all 0. Thanks!
Hi. My German Blue Rams bred after having them for only 5 days, and I have read that I need low Gh and Kh readings in order for the eggs to hatch. I just tested my Kh, and it took 3 drops to change the color of the water, which is about 50 ppm. I tested the Gh twice, because both times, it came up extremely high...I don't think it actually ever changed from orange to green. It started out yellow and stayed yellow, even after 11+ drops.

I found that after a year or two, my bottle of Gh tester stopped working, i.e. the colour never changed. I tried tap water and RO water, no difference. My conclusion was that the stuff had gone off. You might want to try some RO water or distilled water, and see if that changes it.
Hi. My German Blue Rams bred after having them for only 5 days, and I have read that I need low Gh and Kh readings in order for the eggs to hatch. I just tested my Kh, and it took 3 drops to change the color of the water, which is about 50 ppm. I tested the Gh twice, because both times, it came up extremely high...I don't think it actually ever changed from orange to green. It started out yellow and stayed yellow, even after 11+ drops.

I found that after a year or two, my bottle of Gh tester stopped working, i.e. the colour never changed. I tried tap water and RO water, no difference. My conclusion was that the stuff had gone off. You might want to try some RO water or distilled water, and see if that changes it.

I've only had my Gh test kit for about 6-8 months...but who knows how long it was at the store. I don't have any RO water available, as I'm in a college dorm, but I can try some distilled water. They come from the same kit (the Gh and Kh), and the Kh one works....but how could I have such low Kh and high Gh? Maybe I'll just take a sample of water to the pet store and they can test it for me....lol
It's not a common result, but certainly not an impossible result. I think I'd try the test again and add as many as needed for completion. Then maybe ask the LFS to do a test, too, and see what they get.

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