Getting Started!


New Member
Feb 7, 2005
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Oshkosh Wisconsin
Hey, I have an extra 20 gallon tank, and I thiink I want to start a reef tank, or a mini reef tank. I have read all about this because, I wanted to do it earlier but decided it was not for me. Now that I have more time on my hands I think it is definately something that I want to get into. I just jave some questions. What do I do first, sand, crushed coral, live rock, I dont know it is just all one big blur to me. Also, how many pounds of live rock would you reccomend for that size tank. I know it can't really be that much probably max out aroind 40 pounds right? Well if you know what I should do that would be very helpful thanks!
You'll need to get all the equipment first. There's a lot more to salt water than fresh water.

Why not do a search on "tank diary" or "new salt water tank" on this forum and have a look at the results. You'll probably see a lot of the answers to your questions there.
As long as you take your time and do things right saltwater is not that much worse than freshwater. Just remember to take things nice and slow and get the correct equipment. As for the substrate choice and live rock questions, as Sammydee said, check out the forums for info. Also try this is a great site to start up your Saltwater tank. (20 gallons and under is considered a Nano, if you didnt know that). Good luck! :thumbs:

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