Getting Started....


New Member
Mar 19, 2005
Reaction score
Newark, NJ
Oh, I have what I believe to be....
-A 46 Gallon bow Front tank....
-Whisper Powerfilter 60
-A Hood with
-2 30w bulbs
-Rena Air 2000 Pump
- and a 200W Heater.....
-50 ft Python water changer thingy.... :D

I am trying to do a fishless cycle. I have no way in getting beneficial bacteria. I am leaning towards buying a water treater with beneficial bacteria that they sale at Petco...which one would be best? or is prooven to work? I also know that I have to add ammonia, and have just purchased pure ammonia. I have brand spanking new gravel, my old gravel was taken out and thrown away, because I had snail eggs inside. So I am starting from scratch. I have about 35 lbs of gravel, Is this too much? I have some decorations, No Plants. I plan on having a community tank....i think. Not 100% sure yet. Does anyone have any advice....I have been reading the forum and taking notes...I just need a little more help...In the mean time I will continue reading... :fun:
Hi and welcome. Where to start. I think that one of the best places to start is to read the pinned articles at the very beginning of Beginners questions - you'll find some very useful information there. 35lbs of gravel is ok for a non planted tank - normally you need at least 1lb per gallon for plants. Personally I don't think that the additives with bacteria are any good, the best way is to "seed" the new tank with something from a cycled tank. Do you have anything from your old tank - filter media, ornaments, anything? I'm a lover of planted tanks, so how about a nice planted community tank with peaceful, colourful fish? Have a look through Members fish pictures or even through the archives of Tank of the Month winners. You can get some ideas from the pics there. Keep us informed and enjoy using the forum.
I didnt have a previous tank, I had bought this tank and then just jumped into things and bought fish without cycling or anything lik that. So I later developed snails, So i am starting from scratch. I ordered a testing kit, and I am waiting for it to come in. I am going to add the water shortly. Should I add the gravel and water at the same time? I heard of letting the water sit to dechlorinate it, should I do that? Ok , iwill look through the members pics, should i trust plants from other tank? I heard thats how you get snails... I will try a nice planted community tank...I just thought a planted tank for a beginner would be a bit much...
The gravel has to be washed really well before you use it. Once it's washed, put it in, then any ornaments that you want to use, then last of all dechlorinated water. It's best to use a water conditioner because a lot of tap water contains chloramine and other base metals, not just chlorine. Chloramine will not go if the water is just left standing and it will hurt your fish in the long run.
Planted tanks aren't really that difficult, just get easy growing plants that don't need a lot of attention, java moss, java fern - check out the plant section - there's a pinned list of easy to grow plants.
Umm I'm just posting to tell you to read the links in my signature. There's a lot of helpful info on fishless cycling too ;)

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