Getting Started Again


Fish Crazy
Nov 1, 2005
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Southeast Michigan
I started a planted aquarium 6 months ago that was a failure, but this time around I want to to it right. It wasnt from a lack of research, rather a lack of a proper co2 sysytem. This time I want to go pressurized. I plan on buying a 2.5lb co2 tank after school is over with so I have time to give the tank my complete attendtion. But how long will a 2.5 co2 tank last before I need to refill it? How long do you go with your co2 tank and how big is it? I would get a bigger co2 tank but my mom doesnt want for me to have it, but I dont care, so Im hiding it, thus the need for a smaller c02 tank. I might be able to go bigger, to a 5, but I have to measure and Ill update. Also how much does it cost to refill?
Now that I think about it, would there be a way to lessen the wpg I have without getting rid of the light? I would like just some low lit plants and keep it simple yet nice. I thought about buying a small sheet of plexiglass, cutting it to size, and tinting it, and slipping it into the slot where the preexisting plexiglass is. Would it work? I thought if it didnt would leaving a square in the middle of the glass untinted while leaving the sides tinted. Would this work better or are both bad ideas?

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