Getting Some Fish From My Cousin... Have Nowhere To Put Them!?


Fish Herder
Apr 8, 2009
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Hey guys. My cousin's Dad is disassembling his aquarium (I think it is around 40-60 gallons) to make an enclosure for one of their chameleons. They have 3 fish left, and my cousin knows I'm obsessed w/ them, so she asked me if I could take them.
I didn't want to decline, because there is no one else in the family that likes fish besides me, and I know the pet stores in that area don't bring back fish.
Okay, so here are the fish she wants to give me: (And her dad didn't know the exact names, because they don't know a lot about fish.)
-1 red eye tetra
-1 pleco, 5 inches long. (They said it was old, so I'm assuming it's not going to get any bigger than that...)
-1 clown loach, 5 inches long. (Which I'm not too enthusiastic about...)
Okay, so sad as it may be, I've never kept any of these fish before, and I have no idea if they're suitable for my tanks.
I'm planning to put them in a small tank to treat any illnesses they may have, then give them to my friend to keep for now. (She has a 29 gallon community tank.) Then, once I get the 55 gallon, I'll put them in there.

The question is though, are all these fish compatible w/ guppies, mollies, platys, cory cats, swordtails and zebra danios?
BTW, I have no idea what type of pleco it is. I even asked. They didn't know.
If the clown loach is fine w/ those fish, I'll probably buy a few more, because I know they like being in groups.... (Will do the same for the tetra.)

Thanks in advance for any help! :good:
Well, the tetra should be fine. It won't like being alone and may be aggressive towards your guppies' nice tails. I'm going to guess that it's a common pleco as most are. In that case he WILL get bigger than 5 inches. I'm not too familiar with clown loaches but I imagine they would be fine with cory cats as my loaches are fine with mine.
the clown, pleco,and tetra will be fine with guppies. These are comunity fish. Good luck working out your fish problem.

Why can't you you have the tank the fish lived in?
They are fine in a community BUT the clown loach needs a huge tank because as you rightly say they live best in a group - bigger than 55g If it is a common plec then it too will need a larger tank.
Okay, thanks. I don't think the common pleco is getting any larger than 5 inches though, because they've had him for many years in a large tank, and he didn't grow anymore.

Like I said in the first post, they are using the tank for one of their chameleons. But, they are giving me the heater, filter, plants and decorations. (As well as the 3 fish.)
I'm going to give the fish to my friend temporarily, then take them again when my 55 gallon tank is set up and cycled.
Thanks again! :good:
The tetra will nip on the guppies fins, other than that, I can't see much of a problem other than that clown loaches need a larger tank. I don't have the feeling it is a common, because if it was, then it would probally be larger than 5 inches at 3 years, don't you think.
How big of a tank do clown loaches need? I can only get a 55 gallon.
The tetra will probably die soon, because it is very old.

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