Getting Rid Of Salt

S Herbert

New Member
Apr 10, 2006
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I have a 240L tank that has been previously used as a marine tank. I want to set up a south american cichlid tank, with angels, blue rams, and keyholes. I was just wondering if anyone had any advice on rinsing the tank out before i start to cycle it. Im not sure how thourough i have to be with getting rid of the salt and if there is anything i can use to test very low salt concentrations. Hope that makes sense! :blink:

Thanks :good:
just give it a good scrub and then a good rinse.

most freshwater fish will tolerate small levels of salt, however there are some that are very sensitive. i'd advise making sure the fish you choose first aren't sensitive to it, then adding only those at first, after several months of water changes any amount of salt in there will have been reduced so much that it's safe for all fish, you can then add anyone who'se sensitive. :)

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