Getting rid of beard Algae

Can you do it with the fish still in the tank??? I'm guessing so, he didn't state otherwise. Pretty cool info, though. Good post. Now I have something new to try! :hey:
I got this from

"> Is there a rule-of-thumb for dosing H2O2 to a planted tank that has fish? 1
> tablespoon per 10 gallons daily maybe? What about for dosing a planted tank
> without fish. I used half a bottle of H2O2 on my tank (29 gal) yesterday
> and it seemed to adverely affect the plants. Nothing major though. The
> upper leaves of my hygro poly seem to be wilting, but I'm sure they will
> bounce back in a couple of days (I hope. Also, the leaves on my E. tennelus
> have all of a sudden developed whitish streaks and are pearling like mad.
> All my nutrient levels are in check.

I posted guidelines for dosing, and the consequences of over dosing
three days ago (check the archives).

You weren't very specific, so I'm going to make some assumptions.

1) Hope this was standard 3%, drug store stuff.

2) If this was a small (16 oz.), bottle, you dumped in approximately 8
oz. If it was the large, 32 oz. bottle, forget it, everything in your
tank is dead.

3) If the tank was fishless, the maximum you'd want to use is 6 oz. (1
oz/5 gallons). Even with that, you'll kill snails, and set the plants
back quite a bit.

4) If the tank contained fish, but no Otto's, you can use 2.5 oz. (1
oz/12 gallons). If it contained Otto's, 1.5 oz (1 oz/20 gallons)."

Also, it appears that The Fish & Wildlife Dept. (US) recommends H2O2 as a way to remove external parasites from some fish, in small doses of short length.

Not personal experience - YMMV. But if you wanted to treat the tank/plants for algae, you HAVE to treat the WHOLE tank - algae often reproduces in spores, and most of these are microscopic. Having any of them left is an invitation to the reoccurance of the problem.
Hydrogen Peroxide is pretty safe for fish. It's useful for clearing up Cyanobacteria and also during a nitrite spike because it increase oxygen levels. I've used it plenty of times.
Aulonochromis said:
Hydrogen Peroxide is pretty safe for fish. It's useful for clearing up Cyanobacteria and also during a nitrite spike because it increase oxygen levels. I've used it plenty of times.
wow, learn something new every day.

I just thought as it is something used to help dye hair it would not be a good thing to add to the tank.


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