Getting Really Worried About Gibbs


Fish Connoisseur
Mar 2, 2009
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I have an 18" common plec and 16-17" Gibby, they had lived together 12 years. 2 weeks ago they had quite a big fight, they had never fought before, bit of chasing but not a fight. Jethro the common was bashing Gibbs quite badly, so much I interviened a couple of times and split them up, but Jethro would not leave Gibbs alone and ended up wounding him slightly. I moved Gibbs to another tank, but since I moved him he has shown his stress colouration (all patchy) almost constantly, he is eating but barely, he wont touch his favorite cucumber or any other fresh veg, the only thing he wants to eat is bloodworm pellets. He is starting to loose weight, he doesnt have a sunken belly, just not as fat as he was.
even though they were
fighting it sounds like
he is missing his tank buddy
i know it sounds daft :blink:
My thoughts exactly, trouble is Jethro although not really much longer than Gibbs, he is a much stockier fish, his head is as big as my hand!. They both use to hand feed but Gibbs wont come as close now :sad: I am scared he is giving up
i don't know what to suggest
fish physiology is not my
strong point i used to use
a picture of another male krib
to get my kribs breeding i just
wonder if a photo of the other fish
taped on the tank so he could see it would
work as Mr Sigmund freud would say
They lived together for 10 years in a 3ft tank :angry: (which I bought off fleabay, they came with the tank) I have had them now for 2 years in a rio 400, now Jethro is in one 400l and Gibbs is in the other. The other option, which Im not really keen on, is I have a 300l next to the 400 which Jethro is in, I could possibly shuffle some fish around so Gibbs is in the tank next door so he can still see Jethro???
I think you should split them apart
Common Plecos may become more territorial with age and are best kept individually in tanks.

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