Getting ready to start salt water tank.

SworDTail KeePer

Fish Crazy
Feb 27, 2005
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Hey guys I am going to start on a salt water tank for the very first time. I would like some help on what I need to buy for this new tank. I am deciding ether between a 55 and 75 gallon fish tank. I would like to know if one of these tanks are enough to start out a salt water tank for a newbe at salt water?

I would also like to know if you say one of the tank sizes I should buy a power head filter? And conect a under gravle filter for it ? Also do you prefer to use sand or gravle? I thank you for helping me with this perdicament.
I would go with the biggest tank you can afford. It means more water volume which means it's a more stable body of water. The bigger, the easier in general.

I would use sand, *most* people here use sand in lieu of gravel or even crushed coral. With sand, you wouldn't want an undergravel filter. Some systems don't use filters at all, except as a refugium or for the current it causes in the tank.

HTH :)
Definately the larger tank if you can affrod the liverock to fill it.
Dont use gravel as has been mentioned as it wont offer any water buffering abilities. Aragonite sand helps keep the tank water PH stable and stops alot of hard work should you choose not to use it.

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