Getting Plastic Plants?


Fish Gatherer
Dec 11, 2003
Reaction score
New Hampshire, USA
:( Well, I though I'd never say this, but I think I might (I'm not totally sure yet) plan to get fake plants for my 46 gallon tank.

:huh: Here's the problem! I really wanted live plants in this tank, but my light is too low. I've looked everywhere! I spent hours on the computer, searching different websites but still I can not find a higher wattage light. My tank is deep and it came with 25 watts. I need a miniumum of 2 watts for every gallon, but no place sells a light that contains that many watts. If I don't find a light soon, I may consider getting plastic plants. My question is: Would the fish notice the difference if I switch over to fake plants? :/ I have a few live plants, but they're dying and I'm going to return them. :*)
couldn't you add a hood with a spot for two or more lights?
This may be MORE than you need... I have the worklight version (which is basically the same but the cover is different) and dang it packs a punch. It is only 60 w but check out how the CF bulbs are folded..
Lots of folks are using these on refugiums for growing Algea in SW tanks. I am going to put 1 over 2 10g tanks.
i have a 46 with a 30 watt flourescent. at lowes, for like 15$, u can get a 2 bulb strip, that is 3 ft long, perfect for the 46g. this would add 60 more watts, and for me would be a total of 90watts, almost 2 watts per gallon, which is really good.

try it out
remember watts of a bulb are how much it uses, not how much actually reaches the plant, and not the frequency of the bulb.

The factors are how much light reaches the surface of the water (after hoods n stuff). The color or frequency of the bulb... plants do not use all the colors to photo stuff. And, how deap the light can punch through water. (Deap tanks are much more difficult to light.

a little lazer uses hardly any watts but can poke your eye out. A long T-12 disperces light over so much area you can barly feel the heat and really has no direct point of source.

Lighting is a huge discussion... If you have Fish Only tanks it is much less an issue than plant or reef tanks.

I have not researched specifically for FW plant tanks. I am pretty sure 6500k (spectrum) is good for them (same as macro algae).

cheeper to get the right stuff the first time. I would do some research on what spectrum plants like..
oh these bulbs that use 60 watts are rated at effective 300 watts.
I have an 18" deep 29 gallon tank with just a 25 watt tube for lighting. I currently have Dwarf Hygrophila, Java fern, Java moss, and a couple of Thai Onion plants.

Take a look at the article below and give some of those plants a try before you go fake. And the best thing about most of the plants listed... they're cheap. The Hygrophila polysperma in particular is growing like crazy.
Sasha, you probably have the same tank I have (46-gallon bowfront, 36" wide with a glass top and a single 30W striplight?), and I'm facing the same issue of adding light. I'm still deliberating on what to do. Best I can tell, the most cost-effective solution would be a compact flourescent (aka power compact) striplight to replace the standard 30W one I have. The most common two 36" choices seem to be 96W ballasts that use one 36" bulb (I'm not really sure if those are *true* CF's) and 110W ballasts that use two 55W bulbs. The best prices I can find on them are right around $100, though. There are some really high-dollar fancier varieties that give even more light, but they are overkill for my needs. I have also seen ballasts that will use three of the standard flourescent 30W bulbs, but there doesn't seem to be any cost savings to doing that.

I'm fairly certain I'm going to end up choosing the two-bulb 110W CF striplight.

Both Big Al's Online and Doctors Foster & Smith sell a variety of striplights, including compact flourescent.

pendragon said:
Sasha, you probably have the same tank I have (46-gallon bowfront, 36" wide with a glass top and a single 30W striplight?), and I'm facing the same issue of adding light. I'm still deliberating on what to do.
buy the strip at lowes, cheap and 60watts more..............
;) Thank you all very much for the great advice! The tanks ia a 46 gallon bowfront with a single 25 watt light. The only difference is that the tank is have doesn't have a glass top though; it has a black platic top with glass only where the light fits perfectly and that makes it a little difficult to find lights that fit where the glass is. I'll look in Lowes because that's the best offer I have so far. . . and I'm a little short on money so I don't a light that would be too expensive. I'll be sure to check all of the different suggestions that you all gave me! :)
modernhamlet said:
I have an 18" deep 29 gallon tank with just a 25 watt tube for lighting. I currently have Dwarf Hygrophila, Java fern, Java moss, and a couple of Thai Onion plants.

Take a look at the article below and give some of those plants a try before you go fake. And the best thing about most of the plants listed... they're cheap. The Hygrophila polysperma in particular is growing like crazy.
those are good low light tolerant choices . Also are cryptocryne and anubias . My java ferns and mosses grown like crazy .

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