getting new tank


Fish Crazy
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
Chicago IL
i finally saved up enough money for another 10g tank!! so happy!!!!!

but have few problems:
1. i want a dwarf puffer tank, cause i heard they are snail annihilators, and they look cool, and they dont get that big. problem is, i dont know what else they eat besides snail, and the bigger problem, my lfs doesnt have puffers, and the lfs a town over doesnt have them either. the place that im sure has them is in downtown chicago, which is really far (i live in east suburbs).

2. i also want to raise guppies. people on this forum say that it is almost impossible to not get them to breed, and ive never bred anything before, so i wanna try. but ive had some really bad experiences with guppies, and the ones i had before in my other 10g pretty much all died for no apparent reason. im hoping that by getting a new tank and making a species tank i will have more success. also, i think i am more experienced now at keeping fish, and will make less mistakes.

so which way should i go? help me, please! i have tests and finals coming soon and im losing sleep over this.

since i cant decide myself, i hope you guys can decide for me!

thanks in advance
I think the answer is to go with the guppy breeding tank!! I'm sure you will have more success this time since you have some experience behind you. Get those beauties in there and work on your tests and finals!! :nod: Then you can research the puffer more and still have something to dream about. I did see a puffer last night at my lfs and they ARE very cool!! Good luck to you.
they said all the cool stores are downtown. im not really sure though, kinda relying on word of mouth. if you kno a place in chicago where i can get some, please let me know!

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