Getting New Tank


New Member
Jan 19, 2008
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Hi all!

I went in, and there was a great sale on a 60 gal tank... Tank + stand + canopy was $10 more than the 46 gal w/o canopy I was going to get... So I decided on the 60. :drool: So excited! I haven't owned a tank in a while, and now I'm just ecstatic!

I placed my order today, and it'll be coming in in about 1 week. I won't be getting fish for at least 4 weeks, but I am planning out some rough ideas of what I want in the tank. The kind of tank I'll be setting up will be "semi-aggressive community," I suppose, as seems to reference. My fiance didn't seem to like the idea of ANY "shark-like" fish except a "real" shark for his very own in my tank. :lol: So, my question has to do with loaches. The contents of my tank will definitely include the following:

1x red-tailed black SHARK :p
1-2x Angelfish
3-8x Loaches

Now, the question: What loaches?! I'd like preferably a breed that isn't too water-change sensitive. I also would like them to not... Uh... Kill anything. Heh. Also, would be nice to fill out the tank (ie, if they stick near mid-bottom, that would be good). Below I'll list some of the other possibilities for the tank. Keep in mind, these are just ideas.

3+x Black Ruby Barb
3-6+x Blue Ram
3+x Gold Gourami
3-6x Neon Rainbowfish
3+x Scissortail Rasbora
Tiffie.. regarding the shark type fish you want why not get a Roseline Shark this way you wont have to worry about what else you can keep. The RTBS is aggressive and not nearly as nice looking.
If your really into the RTBS have a look at the Rainbow Shark it is similar and is only aggressive to its own kind so only one in a tank is recommended, whereas with the Roseline's you can have more than one.

If you want loaches have a look at the YoYo Loach they don't get as big as clown loaches and are great fun. I have two and they chase/play hide and seek with each other plus they keep the gravel really clean. They leave no food untouched.

Google - YoYo Loach
Is the RTBS that much more aggressive than the rainbow? Then we'll be going rainbow. He's REALLY stuck on getting a "real" shark. Oh, did I mention he's afraid of snakes and that he freaked out when I showed him Khulie Loaches? :lol: So, are Yo Yos pretty good all-around fishies?

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