Getting New Fish?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 20, 2005
Reaction score
Middlesbrough. England.
Hi everyone
Ok so was thinking of getting some clean up crew but as i am goin to be getting a couple of triggers thinkin its a pretty pointless and expensive exersise as they eat them!
Tanks been runnin for just under 3 weeks with the live rock all levels are on zero
I had the tank lights off last night and switched them on before i went to bed for a look see if i could see anythin and found a crab munching away at my algae. So already have a clean up crew by look of things. I bought the rock of another guy who said it had crabs i didnt belive him lol
So instead i would like to buy a fish me thinks, fish im wanting to keep are tangs and angels and triggers. Emporer angel is the one im aiming for but presume he will have to be last when the tank is more mature? Sailfin tang yellow tang definately lipstick tang. Tank is 6'6 so not sure on the stocking. I know some have issues with people who have clown triggers but iv asked others who keep and kept them they say there fine. Not sure which way round to do things. Cut long story short was thinkin off getting a lipstick tang today? Also will tangs eat brown algae?
Cut long story short was thinkin off getting a lipstick tang today? Also will tangs eat brown algae?

Lovely fish and less ich prone than some other tangs and can be fairly reef safe as well, I hear ignoring shrimps and snails but nipping at feather dusters.

It is one tang that likes brown algea better than green - but obviously need to keep a close eye on the tang to ensure it is getting enough to eat. Apparently they can become very tame, eating algae from your hand :wub:

But, they get very big....................

Seffie x
the lipsticks are my favorite tang and I can't wait to get one someday!!!! Are you getting the regular or the blond? Could you pretty please post a picture??

As for clean up crew, you can get the less expensive snails for now. Astraea, for example, are only $1 at my lfs. Could throw a couple dozen of those in...also these snails are mostly from cooler water and don't last as long in our higher temp reef tanks anyway.

They do eat diatom, green algae and red algae.

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