Getting New 55 Gallon Tank..stocking?


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
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I'd like to maybe get 1 Arrowana, as these are really cool looking fish! I'd like to know what else I could stock in my tank and roughly how many. I do like cichlids, angels, pleco's, corydora's, im just not sure what can be mixed w/ this fish. Thanks for any help! :D
I'd like to maybe get 1 Arrowana, as these are really cool looking fish! I'd like to know what else I could stock in my tank and roughly how many. I do like cichlids, angels, pleco's, corydora's, im just not sure what can be mixed w/ this fish. Thanks for any help! :D

The brackish forum is probably not the best place to look to get answers on Arowana.

However I can safely say any species of arowana will get far too big for a 55g tank within a matter of months, and the tank mates that you said you like would most likely be eaten by one.
Fella is right. None of the fish are brackish, and no arowana can live in a 55 gal for life. Just because the fish fits in the tank doesnt mean its ok.
i am sort of hijacking this, but how big a tank would you need for one arowana :unsure:

such as a jardini or silver

sorry markaj04
here is a sticky done by CFC (mod of many sections including oddballs). i hope it helps. he is really good with these types of things and his advice is always right on.

an arrowana will get far too big for most tanks people have, and because of their large size and predatory nature they tend to be kept by themselves in their tank. at least that's what i have observed and have been told by other members on this forum.

again i hope i helped and i hope the link helps.

there are options for a brackish 55 gal tank that i'm sure the people here can help you with, but i recommend looking into like a single medium sized oddball to stock around your other interests. african knife fish get around 8-9" and would be nice and you can put some cories (i don't know if they will get eaten) but you could definately put in peacock eels or a senegal bichir if you like.

here is a link to options i had a while ago for a tank

here isa link to a thread of someone currently looking ot stock a 38 gallon to get you started

and here is someone who is looking to stock a 55 gal like you

i hope all these links help you :D

if you need anything else just ask

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