Fish Crazy
I'll probably be buying a 30 gallon tank today or the next day. I would have to cycle it, so what fish do you recommend cycling with? I heard zebra danios were good. Also, when everything is set up, what fish should I add? My favorite type of fish is gouramis. I love them to death! I also have a 10 gallon aquarium I will probably add those fish to my 30 gallon as well.
What will be in my 30 gallon after it is cycled:
1 Dalmation Molly (pregnant)
1 orangefinned loach
1 glass catfish
7 tetras
1 bumblebee catfish
1 male betta
I am thinking of adding 3 more cardinal tetras, 2 more neon green tetras, 4 bleeding heart tetras and 4 glo-lite tetras. I also need to add maybe 2 more glass catfish as they like to be in groups.
What I want in my 30 gallon
2 mollys
1 orangefinned loach
3 glass catfish
10 tetras
1 bumblebee catfish
1 male betta
2 gouramis?
Is that too many fish for a 30 gallon? I also want it to be heavily planted. I wanted to fill out the schools of tetras I have, but should I just buy a few more neons and cardinals since the bleeding heart and glo-lite school with the neons anyway.
What will be in my 30 gallon after it is cycled:
1 Dalmation Molly (pregnant)
1 orangefinned loach
1 glass catfish
7 tetras
1 bumblebee catfish
1 male betta
I am thinking of adding 3 more cardinal tetras, 2 more neon green tetras, 4 bleeding heart tetras and 4 glo-lite tetras. I also need to add maybe 2 more glass catfish as they like to be in groups.
What I want in my 30 gallon
2 mollys
1 orangefinned loach
3 glass catfish
10 tetras
1 bumblebee catfish
1 male betta
2 gouramis?
Is that too many fish for a 30 gallon? I also want it to be heavily planted. I wanted to fill out the schools of tetras I have, but should I just buy a few more neons and cardinals since the bleeding heart and glo-lite school with the neons anyway.