Getting new 30 gal. help?


Fish Crazy
Jan 17, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
I'll probably be buying a 30 gallon tank today or the next day. I would have to cycle it, so what fish do you recommend cycling with? I heard zebra danios were good. Also, when everything is set up, what fish should I add? My favorite type of fish is gouramis. I love them to death! I also have a 10 gallon aquarium I will probably add those fish to my 30 gallon as well.

What will be in my 30 gallon after it is cycled:
1 Dalmation Molly (pregnant)
1 orangefinned loach
1 glass catfish
7 tetras
1 bumblebee catfish
1 male betta

I am thinking of adding 3 more cardinal tetras, 2 more neon green tetras, 4 bleeding heart tetras and 4 glo-lite tetras. I also need to add maybe 2 more glass catfish as they like to be in groups.

What I want in my 30 gallon
2 mollys
1 orangefinned loach
3 glass catfish
10 tetras
1 bumblebee catfish
1 male betta
2 gouramis?

Is that too many fish for a 30 gallon? I also want it to be heavily planted. I wanted to fill out the schools of tetras I have, but should I just buy a few more neons and cardinals since the bleeding heart and glo-lite school with the neons anyway.
Cycling fish are danio's,black pathon tetra, black tetra, black widow tetra, platy, wouldn't add the betta to the tank he really needs to be on his how, don't like strong currents in the tank, apart from that everything sounds fine to me.
What is an orangefinned loach? Is it a clown loach? If so, it will get too big for your 30g. In general, most loaches like to have friends - 3 or more is recommended. YoYo loaches would work well for a tank that size. cats prefer to have company, ie, do better in groups as well. SH
steelhealr said: cats prefer to have company, ie, do better in groups as well. SH
I know I used to have 3 but the other two died and my LPS doesn't have them available at the time. That is why I put '3 glass catfish' under the 'what I want in my 30 gal.'
endilliteracy said:
steelhealr said: cats prefer to have company, ie, do better in groups as well. SH
I know I used to have 3 but the other two died and my LPS doesn't have them available at the time. That is why I put '3 glass catfish' under the 'what I want in my 30 gal.'
...oops..missed that part......sorry...good luck. SH
steelhealr said:
endilliteracy said:
steelhealr said: cats prefer to have company, ie, do better in groups as well. SH
I know I used to have 3 but the other two died and my LPS doesn't have them available at the time. That is why I put '3 glass catfish' under the 'what I want in my 30 gal.'
...oops..missed that part......sorry...good luck. SH
It's okay. =) The fish were just put in the 30 gal. (I used old gravel and old filter and some old tank water and the cycle is almost finished) and it seemed like I had no fish at all. :p They were all so small compared to the tank. As soon as I put the molly and loach in there they had races back and forth. (Molly would always win) :D It was cute for awhile, then I put the loach's favorite hiding spot in the tank and he swam right to it.

My glass catfish would always hang in the same spot on the right side of the tank and when I put him in the 30 gal. he went to the same spot. He doesn't become very active until the lights are off. I will look at my LPS when I am working there today to see if they have anymore glass catfish. I really hope they do.

I also need to fill out my tetra shoal as well. You can barely see them in my 30 gal! :lol:

I was so happy. I've never seen my fish so happy and active! I guess a the 10 gal. was way too small for them afterall.

I am going to give my old 10 gal. to my little sister (which is currently housing her betta with fin-rot)

And the other 10 gal. will go to my little brother whom wants a nice tetra shoal of 6-10 neons. :nod:
Yay...I found a pair of glass catfish at the 'good' lfs today. I added them and they found the single one.....they are all hangin' out in the back of the tank midstream. A stroke of good luck today. SH

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