Getting My Tank Soon...

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Sep 18, 2005
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Loudon, Tennessee
OK, I posted abou this a few weeks ago. And I have waited three LOOOOOOOOOOOONG weeks and my mom is suppose to call tonight about my tank( lady I am buying it from went on But yea, it is a 35 gallon hexagon tank with 1 clown loach, 1 long-finned tetra, and 1 albino red-finned shark. I already know that i will have to get rid of the shark and loach so...yea. lol. Anyways, I was thinking about getting rid of all the fish and getting 1 dwarf gourami, 8 harlequins , and 6 bronze cories...what do ya'll think? ( i won't do this all at once or but yea, thanks for reading!!!
Ok, I was looking in the fish index forum and I was wondering, is it possible to just have an assorment of different gouramis? J/w. THANKS
Gourami's sometimes dont get along so well with each other, kind of like Bettas... Males will get territorial and fight if in groups of 3 or less. In larger numbers they sometimes mellow out or at least spread the aggression around
OKey dokey, I was just a wondering. lol. So anyways, what do ya'll think about

Bronze Cory x 6

Harlequin Rasbora x 6-8

Dwarf Gourami x 1

Well, I had a Dwarf Flame gourami, a pearl gourami, a gold gourami, and an opaline all in one tank once.
methinks the tank will look empty

cories are fine, though i would add another kind of tetra in there.

Not sure if the tetras would nip the gourami's ventral fins though???
yes, a school of 8 of each tetra would probably be nice.

I'd start by adding 6 of each though, then wait and see how the tank looks.

To give you an idea, I have a school of 7 glow light tetras and 6 black phantom tetras in a 20 gallon high (24x12x16)

The tank looks perfect this way. I find the fish are not very active and they school tightly so take up very little space. I had less then half that to start off and I added until I found it looked correct.

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