Getting My Shrimp To Come Out?


Fish Crazy
May 5, 2008
Reaction score
Lenham,Nr Maidstone. Kent
So about a 2 months ago I got 3 Cherry shrimp to go in my 65 litre, they where pale,clear and tiny.

Put them in and after about 10mins that was the last time I saw them for about a month, thought they where dead and one suddenly popped up he was all bright red like the pics and after 10mis gone again!

another Month later I was cleaning the tank and lifted the bogwood to clean under and left it lightly higher than normal and there they where! all a lovely red colour and hiding under the bogwood.

How can I get them to come out more?

Tanks well planted with caverns,pots and coconut caves tank mates are

3 honey gouriami (2F 1 M)
1 Bolivian Ram (think hes a male)
9 Diamond neon tetras

and ofc the 3 shrimp
Stats are 0,0,20
Only thing you can do is add even more cover, preferbly thing they will want to pick at (like indian almond leaves, oak leaves, mature bits of bogwood or even the apparently special colour enhancing edible shrimp caves) andadd more shrimp.

You only have 3 tiny shrimp in 65 litres, and you have fast bigger fish in the tank, the shrimp should be expected to hide all the time.
Only thing you can do is add even more cover, preferbly thing they will want to pick at (like indian almond leaves, oak leaves, mature bits of bogwood or even the apparently special colour enhancing edible shrimp caves) andadd more shrimp.

You only have 3 tiny shrimp in 65 litres, and you have fast bigger fish in the tank, the shrimp should be expected to hide all the time.

Ah ok :/

I could move them into a 5gal with my betta but Ive got no idea how I could catch them or even draw them out long enough to even try.
Any ideas on the front?
Betta may eat them not the best of ideas to put them in there unless the tank is very heavily planted, I would also sex them and try and get them to breed they are relatively easy to breed but needs loads of hiding spaces as fish love baby shrimp. To catch them use one big net to coral them then a small net to actually do the catching.
deff dont wana try to mix them with doesnt take long for my betta to chow down a feeder ghost shrimp

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