Fish Crazy
So about a 2 months ago I got 3 Cherry shrimp to go in my 65 litre, they where pale,clear and tiny.
Put them in and after about 10mins that was the last time I saw them for about a month, thought they where dead and one suddenly popped up he was all bright red like the pics and after 10mis gone again!
another Month later I was cleaning the tank and lifted the bogwood to clean under and left it lightly higher than normal and there they where! all a lovely red colour and hiding under the bogwood.
How can I get them to come out more?
Tanks well planted with caverns,pots and coconut caves tank mates are
3 honey gouriami (2F 1 M)
1 Bolivian Ram (think hes a male)
9 Diamond neon tetras
and ofc the 3 shrimp
Stats are 0,0,20
Put them in and after about 10mins that was the last time I saw them for about a month, thought they where dead and one suddenly popped up he was all bright red like the pics and after 10mis gone again!
another Month later I was cleaning the tank and lifted the bogwood to clean under and left it lightly higher than normal and there they where! all a lovely red colour and hiding under the bogwood.
How can I get them to come out more?
Tanks well planted with caverns,pots and coconut caves tank mates are
3 honey gouriami (2F 1 M)
1 Bolivian Ram (think hes a male)
9 Diamond neon tetras
and ofc the 3 shrimp
Stats are 0,0,20