Getting My First Ever Betta - A Few Q's


New Member
Sep 26, 2005
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Oldham UK
Hi ive been lurking for a few months and have fallen in love with Bettas so have decided to get one.
im picking my new tank up tonight (15uk gallons) and i have read as much info as my poor brain can take so i know what im doing regarding water testing and cycling and all that before i get my new baby

what i want to know is what sort of substrate do you have in your tanks as i want to show my boy off and have decided the minimalist look is the way to go.
Also what sort of ornament would be the best for my boy and will silk plants be ok as ive never had real plants before and am not willing to try 2 new things at once

I am going to buy my Betta from my (not so) lfs as they are the best condition ive seen despite being kept in those awfull tiny in tank containers

also what do you all feed your Bettas on? all the info is great but also alot of sites contradict each other
i feed mine on pellet food, frozen brine shrimp and frozen bloodworm, but not all at once!

all my tanks have natural small gravel and lots and lots of plants and a big lump of bogwood, i cram my tanks with plants, bettas are lazy and love having lots to go and poke around and sit on.
i feed mine on pellet food, frozen brine shrimp and frozen bloodworm, but not all at once!

all my tanks have natural small gravel and lots and lots of plants and a big lump of bogwood, i cram my tanks with plants, bettas are lazy and love having lots to go and poke around and sit on.

ok so i got the food sussed now

this is what i was thinking for my tank - white sand, lots of silk plants and a half pot ornament thingy

does that sound ok? i wanna get it right for my first Betta
I've had bettas in sand tanks before and it does compliment them nicely. The pot is a good idea too so long as the holes are big enough for him not to get trapped in, they love somewhere to hide and Cat is right, lots of plants are good for them to rest their lazy butts on :lol:

Look forward to seeing your tank set up with your new betta in it :good:
If you have artificial plants, silk are the way to go!! :good: And I think what you have planned sounds awesome!! I wish I could afford to have my bettas in setups like that. :nod:

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