Getting my first cat...I have a few questions


Fish Fanatic
Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
Peterlee County Durham
Hi all
I went to the RSPCa at the weekend and im just waiting for a home visit so that I can bring home my cat misty.
I have a few questions I hoped someone could answer for me
1. What exactly do they look for on a home visit? This part is getting me really nervous

2. How often to you treat for worms and fleas?
Is it only once they get them on treat on going to stop anything?

Any help would be great

Oh the kitty iv found in gorgeous shes brown and cream tabby with the most gorgeous green eyes.She loves being cuddled and petted and when we put her down she rolled straight over on her back and let me tickle her belly she really liked it.Shes about 14mnths old

Anyway Il stop going on now im just so excited its my first cat

Usually in home visits they check to see if you have your home kitty proofed. No exposed wires, no glass things that the kitty can easily drop, secure doors so that the cat wont get out of the house (if they require you to keep the cats indoor), that you have places for the cat to sleep and that you have food and water bowl (toys could help also), stuff like that. I'm not sure how often they treat for worms. I know for my two cats, simba only got treated when he was younger than 6 months and then they stopped because he was always an indoor cat and would not get any worms. Sky already got treated for them 3 times and I'm sure it's going to happen a few more times because she was a rescue. For the fleas, putting a preventive spot on like advantage or frontage will do wonders. I wouldn't recommend the super market brands because there have been a lot of problems with some (for example, Hartz) and they are not as effective as the brands at the store. You'll have to keep it going every month if you see a lot of fleas on her. Of course, if she's going to be an indoor cat you will only need to put it once since fleas will obviously not be able to get to her.
Taking her to the vet when you get her would be your best bet to see if she has anything wrong with her and to start with the deworming and anything else that she might need.
Don't be nervous, it's not like a pass/fail. Unless you're place is totally unsuitable and over-run with badly looked after pets you won't have a problem. They'll advise you if you need to change anything. There are so many cats that need good homes. They certainly won't turn down someone who just needs advice.

We've had two cats from rescue places. Cassie, the one we have now is a real outdoor cat - she was born feral so she hunts all the time. Consequently she needs treated for worms and flees very regularly - once a month during the summer. We just use the products that are bought off the shelf from the supermarket.

Bet you have loads of fun. How old is she/he ? :)
;) you're awesome for chosing rescue!

Basically, the first question was answered. Just prove you know at least the basics about cat care, you're want to have this cat in your home for the next 10-15 years, and you have the means to care for a kitty. As long as this cat is indoors, you will not need to de-worm her.. kittens are dewormed every other week for atleast 12 weeks, but after that it isn't necessary - UNLESS the cat is outdoors. I don't recommend keeping a cat outside all of the time, because she WILL be exposed to harmful viruses, pests, and parasites. Cats hunt and eat birds, mice, etc, and can get harmful worms from doing so. DONT buy Hartz Flea or Dewormer medicines.. they have been known to KILL cats, and are currently being taken completely off of the market after hundreds of cases of poisoning to cats. Take your kitty to the vet if she'll be outside to get a reliable, long-lasting, safe Flea & Tick preventative and dewormings.

Make sure you also have plenty of interactive toys for the kitty, scratching posts available in multiple places, and a cat tree if possible. Get a nice, sturdy litterbox and change it daily. Good foods available in Pet Stores are Nutro Natural Choice, NutroMax, Authority, etc. Your kitty will also appreciate canned food occasionally... and of course Temptation treats!! I think they're made by Purina.. our cat adores those :p
Well done for choosing a rescue cat :clap:
I'm sure the home visit will be fine and there is nothing to worry about.

If it's an out door cat, remember that it needs it's yearly inoculations and also regular worming and flea treatment. I suggest you only buy these products from a vet - they might be slightly more expensive, but the products tend to be of superior quality as opposed that what you can buy in your local store.
A vets visit will usually be required to get any of those items, but this is a good time to register your cat at the vets and get a once over.
I also strongly suggest getting your cat micro-chipped. It's amazing how collars go missing (and more often than not, collars are more dangerous than they are worth!).

So in a nutshell:
Get a micro-chip (once off thing)
Get yearly inoculations (once a year thing)
Get flea treatment (depending on product and flea problem this could be a monthly thing).
Get worming (this is usually a 3 monthly thing if using Drontal)

A bit about fleas:

In my opinion, the best products are:

Program manufactured by Novartis
Advantage manufactured by Bayer

Good luck and let us know how it goes ! :D
hiya i gfot one of mine from rspca last yr, they just had a look round my house and asked me a few qs to know what i was letting meself in for. programs prob the best thats an injection every6 months. the guy from rspca will also come after u get your cat to check shes ok

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