Getting My Dwarf Puffers On Saturday, Soooo Excited


Fish Herder
Apr 12, 2009
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I have a fully cycled 90ltr tank which last week I finally decided on Dwarf puffers for, my LFS has ordered them for me & I am collecting them & their food on Saturday.

Tank is all ready to go, its well planted with lots of nooks & crannies,I have been breeding small snails for them, which this week seem to have multiplied every time I look, so they will have some crunchy munchies.

I have three ordered, I hope to have 1male & 2 females, but they have said it may be difficult as they are likely to be very young.

So, I think I am ready, i'm all researched, cycled & ready to go. And very excited!!

Any tips for me to help them settle with as little stress as possible?
Slow acclimatising is best with puffers. Lights out and take your time. Some people use the drip method of acclimatising them but I float the bag and then slowly add tank water into the bag over at least an hour.

A well planted tank will be essential to break up their line of sight and a few caves here and there will be loved by them.

Enjoy your DPs, they are a pleasure to own :D
Slow acclimatising is best with puffers. Lights out and take your time. Some people use the drip method of acclimatising them but I float the bag and then slowly add tank water into the bag over at least an hour.

A well planted tank will be essential to break up their line of sight and a few caves here and there will be loved by them.

Enjoy your DPs, they are a pleasure to own :D

Thank you for the advice, I will add the water slowly over an hour to acclimatise them, I had a call to say they are in this afternoon & am waiting very impatiently to see if hubby gets home in time to take me over tonight.

If I get them this evening, shall I keep lights out all evening till morning do you think?
i put mine in the tank, floated the bag, then lights out, after an hour i released them, then after another hour i switched lights on.
Slow acclimatising is best with puffers. Lights out and take your time. Some people use the drip method of acclimatising them but I float the bag and then slowly add tank water into the bag over at least an hour.

A well planted tank will be essential to break up their line of sight and a few caves here and there will be loved by them.

Enjoy your DPs, they are a pleasure to own :D

Thank you for the advice, I will add the water slowly over an hour to acclimatise them, I had a call to say they are in this afternoon & am waiting very impatiently to see if hubby gets home in time to take me over tonight.

If I get them this evening, shall I keep lights out all evening till morning do you think?

I would possibly leave them at the lfs for a bit to weed out any week ones.
Slow acclimatising is best with puffers. Lights out and take your time. Some people use the drip method of acclimatising them but I float the bag and then slowly add tank water into the bag over at least an hour.

A well planted tank will be essential to break up their line of sight and a few caves here and there will be loved by them.

Enjoy your DPs, they are a pleasure to own :D

Thank you for the advice, I will add the water slowly over an hour to acclimatise them, I had a call to say they are in this afternoon & am waiting very impatiently to see if hubby gets home in time to take me over tonight.

If I get them this evening, shall I keep lights out all evening till morning do you think?

I would possibly leave them at the lfs for a bit to weed out any week ones.

Not a bad thought :good: I wasnt able to get there tonight, so it will probably be Friday when I get them now.
i put mine in the tank, floated the bag, then lights out, after an hour i released them, then after another hour i switched lights on.

Don't you slowly add tank water to the bag to make sure they acclimatise to it?


sorry about that, i forgot to mention :crazy:

i honestly do! i dont want you to think i abuse fish :unsure:

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