Getting More Sterbai!

orange shark

Fish Herder
Feb 17, 2007
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Ive just ordered 3 sterbai corys of trimar! They should be getting here thursday cos i rung up 2 late to get them delivered tommorow!

orange shark
Congrats! We expect pictures, you know. Although we will wait a day or two umtil they get settled.
i dont have a camera! suppose i will have to borrow a relatives!
excellent - I've got 10 of 'em now - they are complete mad - very entertaining :lol: Only thing is they are leading my trilineaus astray - they were quite reserved until they met the sterbai's now they are picking up on the sterbai's bad habits :rolleyes:
The sterbsid will lead a whole tank of Corys astray. :lol: They will all do the sexy dance together. you could end up with some three lined sterbai. :nod: :look:
lol ive got 5 peppered in with my single sterbai and when the others are added it will be cool to see the effect they have on the peppered!
I'm sure they will have quite a happy welcome home party. Peppers are usually fairly reserved, but they will party when welcoming newcomers.

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