Getting more fish.


Aug 6, 2003
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Uk Nottingham Name:Ben
2 events have happened, 1. one of my yoyo loaches has tragically died :-( 2. We have moved the bully Red tail black shark into the big tank :D . Right so:

1st tank:
Since the loach has died there a 2 still in but there still happy, should I get a third.
Now that the shark has been moved the neons are coming out more!! I want to make the shoal look more impressive so how many more do you think i should get?

2nd tank:
I need dithers I was thinking maybe Tiger barbs so what do you think, how many to start off with, or would you recomend something else.

P.S. Please don't say anything about your tank is overstocked already, I would know if it was all my fish would be dying and gulping for air!!
Well i have five loaches altogether in my tank 3 Yo-yo and 2 Clouded and they really have fun together chasing each other round the tank chasing other fish and playing dead, i say the more the merrier with loaches like that. With the barbs iknow that they can really be nippy fish and bite the fins of most fish but i personally haven't had much experience with them!! Good Luck!! :)
As far as dithers for the 2nd tank, nothing will last long with 5 firemouths in a 22g. :no:
To be honest I can't see how big your tank is in your sig because it's in yellow and I'm using the original (blue) skin. :S

I'll change to blck, have a look and get beck to you.

See you on the other side :D
DevilsAdvocate said:
you could just highlight the writing CS :thumbs:
Oooh, who's a clever boy then!! Thanks!

OK, so it's 19gall. I think what you add to that one should depend on you levels and if your nitrAtes are covered ok by water changes (and what they are out of the tap).

You may be close to the limit with the bristlenose because of how much waste they produce and also, you have livebearers.

As for your 22gall, I wouldn't keep firemotuhs in a tank that size. I don't think it is big enough for any other than dwarf cichlids. They get fairly big at 6" and are known to be territorial.
Well thats my dads fault, see. On the day we got them (a bit before) I wanted to go to a certain garden centre (Tall Trees) but says no (he says it's too far away but he is just lazy) so we started ringing up other garden centers. When we rang up one they said they firemouths, jewels and something else, but I wanted Cockatoo dwarf cichlids, I tried to explain that the ones he said are aggresive fish, but nooo, he said why do you want that certain fish and then had a mardy about why don't you get firemouths (he looked in my fish book) so I did some research and I decided I would get a couple. when we got there, there was a deal for assorted cichlids (4) so my dad jumped at it, he also wanted another cichlid (turned out to be a firemouth I think). Now when I ask him whether I can have another tank in the conservatory (when it's built) He say's no but he gets his Pirhanna tank!!!!!!!
You have 6 firemouths in a 22gall. That really is asking for trouble. You'll have to sort that out ASAP IMO. I understand your prediciment, it's pretty common on here but I don't think I'd even keep one firemouth in a 22gall although of course they are all individuals but with 6 there's bound to be problems.
It's actually 5 (or four) the big one i don't know because he looks like them but has no vissible red throat and does not act as terretorial (in fact he's not even terretorial) I think he is a cross. Anyway I don't know where you got 6 from?? I don't even know how many gallons it is , the calculator I used was probbably wrong any way can you help The dimensions are 36 inches long (3 foot) 15 inches deep (2 inches for gravel) and 12 inches wide.
Pleco-Heaven said:
It's actually 5 (or four) the big one i don't know because he looks like them but has no vissible red throat and does not act as terretorial (in fact he's not even terretorial) I think he is a cross. Anyway I don't know where you got 6 from??
I made a mistake in saying 6, but as I said I woud not even keep one!! So, I don't know that it makes any difference.

As for the volume...

36 x 15 x 12 = 6480 / 276 = 23.4Uk gallons

91 x 38 x 30 = 103740 / 1000 = 103 litres
Thanks CS fo the Tank volume, I think I might keep the Firemouths (my Dad wouldn't let me take them back) if they all kill each other then thats my dads fault! Open to any more replies people!!.
Pleco-Heaven said:
I think I might keep the Firemouths (my Dad wouldn't let me take them back) if they all kill each other then thats my dads fault!
That doesn't saound like a good idea. Why should these fish kill each other just because of you and your dad. It's not only that they are aggressive, they can be kept together but your tank is not big enough.

My suggestion is that you buy no more fish and try and sort out the situation in the tank. It is not fair on the fish. Perhaps also not let your Dad decide what's going in the tank without researching first. I know it can be hard but you really do have to be responsible about it. Does he know the situation? If he does and still insits on keeping them altogether I would not buy any more fish until you are old enough to decide yourself or have moved out.

Good luck
I try but my dad doesen't listen to me, he just says no they wont and then trys to prove me wrong!! He says their just fish and says after he had been chased they just forget!!
What about the fact the they can physically fit in the tank when they grow or worse they will become stunted? Does your Dad know about stunting? Do you? If not you should have a search for it on here. Not good.

5 x 6" fish in that small a tank is asking for trouble enough never mind the aggressiveness. You parameters will go to pot and without having a miracle filter you won't be able to keep the levels safe.

Oh and the 3 second memory thing is crap. Fish do remember, and get stressed. Stress and bad water quality (of which you'll have both) are the reasons for disease.
From what I've heard of your dad, hes an idiot about fish. *my* father wouldn't even dream of letting a situation like that occur, let alone encourage it by pursuing other tanks.

Don't tell him, have websites, books, etc, tell him. He can't argue with a million people. Find information online, in books, and shove it in his face. And be blunt that fish cruelty sucks.

If it were me, I'd even get into name calling and give Peta a call just to sick some people on him :)

(But. I don't let anyone fisk around with my fishies!)

I feel really sorry for those fish :( Good luck getting the problem resolved.

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