Getting Into Bettas Again


Fish Gatherer
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Florida
So it has been a LONG time since I have owned a betta. :no: Well maybe not THAT long but more than 3 months. So I started looking at bettas last week and then started coming to the forums more often and now I am hooked again. :lol:

So I can't decide on what size tank I should get. The biggest I'd be able to keep on my desk would be a 5 gallon. I am looking for something that is filtered as I may not be home some weekends to do water changes for him. So does anyone have any ideas for tanks? What tanks do you use?
Oh, goody! A chance to show off! :rolleyes:

This is my tank that I am so proud of. Still in the beginning stages, but if you're into planted, you can do a lot with betta bowls. This is a 2 gallon canister I got at Target. I'm still settling on the lighting and which plants will be used, but every planted tank is a work in progress, right?


If its going to be on your desk, though, maybe you should go for a more desk-themed container. I've heard of someone using a clear plastic waste-bin as a planted nano. Now wouldn't that be funny? :lol:

EDIT: I guess I should add that yes, there is a diy sponge filter in the back, you can see the pvc uplift tube. And there is a little heater behind the driftwood, too.
Oh, goody! A chance to show off! :rolleyes:

This is my tank that I am so proud of. Still in the beginning stages, but if you're into planted, you can do a lot with betta bowls. This is a 2 gallon canister I got at Target. I'm still settling on the lighting and which plants will be used, but every planted tank is a work in progress, right?


If its going to be on your desk, though, maybe you should go for a more desk-themed container. I've heard of someone using a clear plastic waste-bin as a planted nano. Now wouldn't that be funny? :lol:

EDIT: I guess I should add that yes, there is a diy sponge filter in the back, you can see the pvc uplift tube. And there is a little heater behind the driftwood, too.
Wow that looks amazing! Well it isn't really a desk it is like a lamp stand that has a glass table underneath the light so I am guessing I wouldn't need a light as the light is attached and droops over wherever the tank would be sitting. How much was the container?
It was something like $12, I think. The only thing I don't like about it is the glass is not perfectly clear, like a straight pane on the front of a tank is. There are some areas where there is a ripple effect that is strong enough to affect my view of the fish. You can see it a little in the photo. Its not out of focus, thats the way the actual glass looks. Overall, though, I still think it is great for my kitchen counter, keeping with the countertop theme and everything, and I always have my little guy keeping me company while I'm washing dishes. :wub:
Practically speaking, though, you can get a 5 gallon tank for the same or slightly lower price. No that I'm trying to knock my own tank, I mean canister! I'm very happy with it. And it's different. B)

EDIT: I forgot to add that if you want to do the same thing, thats fine by me. I'd be flattered.
If you want to do a 5g, a standard AGA 5g tank is roughly the same price - I think its 11 or 12 bucks for the tank, then another few for a mesh lid. A hood would bring the price up, but is generally un-needed if the room is warm and well lit.
Another good idea that works great as a space saver for desks/tables is the Eclipse Corner 5. It is definately pricey, but has a hood w/light and filter, and fits great on small spaces. Other good options w/filters are a Mini-Bow5, which is a nice decorative tank; an eclipse hex 5; and aqua-brite 5g. They're all big enough to safely heat, and have accomodations in the hoods for either a hydor, junior heater, or a small 25 watt standard heater.

Here are some of my tanks, a mix of the aforementioned brands. I've kept the Minibow, Eclipse Corner, and standard AGAs on desks before (click to enlarge). I have more than this, but these are the brands mentioned above.:

If you want to do a 5g, a standard AGA 5g tank is roughly the same price - I think its 11 or 12 bucks for the tank, then another few for a mesh lid. A hood would bring the price up, but is generally un-needed if the room is warm and well lit.
Another good idea that works great as a space saver for desks/tables is the Eclipse Corner 5. It is definately pricey, but has a hood w/light and filter, and fits great on small spaces. Other good options w/filters are a Mini-Bow5, which is a nice decorative tank; an eclipse hex 5; and aqua-brite 5g. They're all big enough to safely heat, and have accomodations in the hoods for either a hydor, junior heater, or a small 25 watt standard heater.

Here are some of my tanks, a mix of the aforementioned brands. I've kept the Minibow, Eclipse Corner, and standard AGAs on desks before (click to enlarge). I have more than this, but these are the brands mentioned above.:

Wow I really like the tank on the top shelf in the second picture. How many gallons is that and how much did it cost you?
Its a 5 gallon tank; cost me about 25 bucks at Walmart I'm thinking? I haven't seen them much lately, though...
I've been looking into getting a betta too and i found a 2 gallon tank on the petsmart website that has a lighted hood and a filter for like 40 bucs, the only thing u would need then would be the heater, and all the accessories for the tank.
Raechal what kind of betta are you planning to buy ? good thing you're going to get one again ..... keep us updated :fun:
I believe I just want a regular VT betta. Nothing too fancy. I saw this beatiful blue, black and yellow one at the pet store and was tempted to buy him but didn't have a tank set up or anything so i knew it would be a bad idea to buy on impulse you know? :no:

I want one that resembled my old betta, Angus. He was like 4 years old before he died so I would like to get one that looks like him. He was black, dark blue, dark purple and red. :wub:
I've been looking into getting a betta too and i found a 2 gallon tank on the petsmart website that has a lighted hood and a filter for like 40 bucs, the only thing u would need then would be the heater, and all the accessories for the tank.

Was it a hex tank with an undergravel filter? You can get those in the petsmart near where I live for $23. Prices vary with location, but it would be worth looking into if you're considering ordering one. $40 seems like too much. I live in a high cost-of-living area.

For $30 you can get a hex 5 gallon with everything but the heater at the Walmart near me. Sounds a lot better than $40 for two gallons. I'd suggest shopping around more before ordering that from Petsmart's website.
Thanks TammyLiz I will shop around for tanks and appreciate your input. Also Rachael, There is a guy on this forum that is trying to adopt out some bettas with slight back problems and you may want to check him out. Go onto the bettas forum and look for the topic called Special Needs Adoption and work from there. Dont know if any will resemble your old one but i thought you might like to know.

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