getting fry off live food


Fish Herder
May 10, 2004
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i'm goin to nuts! my fry are 5 weeks old, it's that weird week where mw isn't good enough and bbs is too small. I have to take them off live food somehow, i got some frozen daphnia, which is reallyr eally small (my adults wont' eat it), and i tried putting someo f that in, but the fry just stared at it like its' pieces of poo and went to look for worms :blink:

how on earth do you guys get ur fry to eat something other than live?? :-(
smash up betta pellets (hikari etc.) into almost dust and sprinkle that on the surface of the water. take it slow though, it's best to alternate between frozen and dry when you start introducing it. works for us everytime. IMO frozen daphnia kind of sucks, none of my fish will readily eat it (live is another matter). frozen bloodworms almost everyone likes though ;)
at 5 weeks, our fish are still eating live food, we use grindel worms, but they might be hard to source where you are.
noooo don't tell me frozen daphnia sucks!!! :sad: :sad: because i just got a pakc and i've used about...1/4 of a cube!!!

i have first bites by hikari, which the fish doens't really eat now after seeing live food :/ so i really don't know how to od them right now it's "if it doen'st move i'ts not food" :blink:
swish the water surface around? lol i dont know.. maybe mix some live mws or bbs with some other food
i'm sure some people will vouch for frozen daphnia but i've still got almost a whole pack, almost a year later ;)
i don't really know what to tell you, at 5 weeks they really still should be eating live food. i can't remember if you live near marianne but if you can, go see her, she has live daphnia (which is pretty easy to culture). not sure if she has her grindel worm culture up and running again, last time i was there she was having problems with them. try smashing up the hikari first bites,something about smashing them releases flavour or something that i think the fry pick up on, can't hurt to try right? best of luck regardless ;)
thanks bkk :D

I heard at 5 weeks they should be starting to be taken off live food. And since i dont' have any grindel worm cultures...all i got are mw nad bbs :( i tried to swish the food around to make it float around and things but the fry wont' take it :(

I'll try smashing the first bites and see if that "releases flavor" for them, hopeuflly they'll stop being picky eaters :crazy:

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