Getting Crabs, Help?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 14, 2008
Reaction score
Hayling Island, Hampshire, England
Basicly Acople of seconds ago i decided i should get crabs, would this tank be ok. What Kind Of Crabs Would Be Best? what would i need to buy for this tank, and if possible please like exact types of heater and filter :rolleyes: . Also how much is is likley to cost me, what would i do about lighting and how could i cover that hole in the top? I have cats soo.
red clawed crabs are infact brackish, they prefer a salinity of about 1.005 Sg.

the tank should be half filled, and should have peices of wood/rock sticking out of the water for the crab to climb on.

they prefer a PH of around 7.8 (to keep there shells intact)
Heres the tank
And how do i make the tank brackish?
im guessing that bowl has a capcity of 4 litres? ive seen them in the shops. that is WAY to small for red clawed crabs, they get to 3 inches across and need room to stretch their legs
yes there are but a bowl is not suitable, a 10 gallon long would be needed for red clawed crabs, with EXCELLENT filltration as they are VERY messy creatures

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