Getting Cory's


Fish Fanatic
Apr 8, 2007
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Hello........I was wanting to get some cory's for my 28 gallon tank. I have 2 guppies -one that just had babies, 2 mollies, and 2 platys. How many and what kind of Cory's should I get for this tank?
Also, my temperature in the tank is between 78-80 degrees. I think the only cory's my Petsmart/Petco have are the albinos and the grey/green looking ones. Anyone?
I'm not sure which ones you mean by the grey/green ones, but you can keep some albinos in there easily enough.
Any cory's will be fine in there with the possible exception of panda's. I've found that panda's prefer a temp of about 75 degrees.
this is the main one they have..........i was wanting the black or peppered colored ones. i dont really like the albinos, but this one i have attatched is good. ive had them before, but only had 1 at a time. should i buy 3 at a time this time?


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Yes,and if yoy didn't know their common name is emerald cory ;)
Yeah, they like shoals so at least three for them - more if you've got the space.
I think cories should be kept in a min group of 6.
OK, just got back from Petsmart. I got a big piece of wood and 2 more large plants for my tank when I get home. They actually had the Peppered Cory's.........$4.39 a piece. I think I will get 4 of them this week, and maybe 2 more next week.

They also have the emeralds, so would 4 Peppers and 4 Emeralds be good?

With the guppies, 2 mollies, and 2 platy's, will 8 corys be too many in a 28 gallon tank? Thanks!
OK, just got back from Petsmart. I got a big piece of wood and 2 more large plants for my tank when I get home. They actually had the Peppered Cory's.........$4.39 a piece. I think I will get 4 of them this week, and maybe 2 more next week.

They also have the emeralds, so would 4 Peppers and 4 Emeralds be good?

With the guppies, 2 mollies, and 2 platy's, will 8 corys be too many in a 28 gallon tank? Thanks!

Actually, "emerald" is not the correct name for that cory. That is a C. aeneus, commonly known as "bronze cory." "Emerald" cories are usually Brochis splendens, which get a lot bigger.
You will be fine with those amounts ofcories. I have 3 bronze cories and 1 peppered cory and they actually shoal around together fine.

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